Page 50: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 2019)
Cruise Shipping
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Images Courtesy MARLINK
Left: KVH’s IP-MobileCast content delivery service brings news, sports, movie, and TV content on board via satellite, a great boost for crew welfare.
Above: XChange is Marlink’s centralized communications manage- ment system, streamlined and integrated to enable crew communications management and seamless switching between satellites, VSAT or L-band carriers.
Above, Left: A Marlink Sealink VSAT dome in position and providing stable, dependable and ? exible global connectivity on board ship.
Images Courtesy KVH
Image Courtesy INMARSAT accompany Hapag-Lloyd Cruises’ ongo- integrating Global Ku-band VSAT with Driving innovation ships, including National Gepgraphic ing expansion into expedition cruises,” it L-band backup to address this. Inmarsat owns and operates a broad Venture’s sister ship National Geograph- said. Marlink said that Transpetrol will ex- global portfolio of satellite networks ic Quest, delivered in 2017, with retro? ts
Marlink’s VSAT network coverage tract more value from Marlink VSAT speci? cally designed for customer mo- made on Sea Bird, Sea Lion, Endeavour from Canada’s east coast to the western through an increased Committed In- bility, and holds a multi-layered, global II and Islander. Fleet Xpress is fully in- tip of Alaska has been facilitated by the formation Rate (CIR) and Maximum spectrum portfolio covering L-band, tegrated with the ships’ phone systems recent addition of a new satellite, which Information Rate (MIR), enabling it to Ka-band and S-band designed to enable (PABX), and the internal communica- is broadly representative of the overlap- use new digital applications and provide a wide breadth and diversity in the solu- tions platforms and local area networks ping connectivity that ensures that Sea- more access for crew, and that Transpet- tions it provides. The company is a driv- used to optimize vessel operations.
link provides optimal, comprehensive rol’s business and operations will be fur- ing force behind technological innova- high throughput onboard services, even ther protected from cyber-attack through tion in mobile satellite communications, New market in the most distant regions. Marlink’s highly resilient network and and has made substantial investments in Expedition cruising is creating a sig- the deployment of SkyFile Anti-Virus, new technology, operating across a di- ni? cant new market for Fleet Xpress sys-
VSAT for the tanker ? eet now part of Marlink’s extensive Cyber versi? ed portfolio of sectors, including tems, according to Christian Cordoba,
In January of this year, Marlink was Guard portfolio, on board each ship. the maritime, government and aviation Inmarsat’s Maritime Channel Manager: awarded a contract renewal to expand Core to running Transpetrol’s con- satcom markets. “Combining the data speed of Ka-band its Sealink VSAT service to international nectivity solution is the XChange cen- Inmarsat is now providing global Fleet and continuous L-band back-up with shipowner Transpetrol. The renewal se- tralized communications management Xpress connectivity for the Lindblad- purpose-designed and easy-to-install 1m cures access to Marlink’s global network platform, which offers a streamlined and National Geographic expedition ship, terminals allows Fleet Xpress to achieve and VSAT solutions for the entire tanker integrated system enabling crew com- National Geographic Venture, which is 24/7 coverage, stability and reliability, ? eet and two planned new buildings due munications management, and seamless designed to explore coastal waters, shal- including high-speed IoT connectivity, for delivery within the next 18 months. switching between satellites, VSAT or low coves and fast-moving channels whether the ship is in the Arctic or miles
Operating a diverse ? eet from medium- L-band carriers, as well as the hosting where wildlife congregates. The vessel up an inland channel,” he said.
range tankers to Aframax and Very Large of Transpetrol’s chosen value-added ser- completed a ? rst voyage in December Cordoba said that the new generation of
Gas Carriers (VLGCs) on global routes, vices which include XChange Cloud, a 2018 before a spending its next season in expedition cruisers have especially high
Transpetrol has a need for always-avail- new secure and scalable platform for the Baja California. Paci? c North West coast expectations for connectivity, which is able data and voice communication for optimized transfer and synchronization and Alaskan cruises are also planned. considered a lifestyle entitlement: “For operations and crew welfare, and Mar- of ? les between ship and shore, and vice In total, Fleet Xpress is now installed adventure cruisers today, connectivity is link has provided a standardized solution versa. on board six of the Lindblad Expeditions part of the package they are paying for; 50 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • MARCH 2019
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