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Page 55: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 2019)
80th Anniversary World Yearbook
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NEW MT 603 Series
Radio Holland:
Water-Activated GPS EPIRB
NavCom Package for
The MT603FG
Two Cutter Suction Dredgers water-activated,
Radio Holland Netherlands (Rotterdam) recent-
GPS-equipped ly booked an order to deliver a NavCom pack-
Emergency Position age to two custom-built cutter suction dredgers
Indicating Radio built at Royal IHC shipyard. RH also supplies the
Beacon (EPIRB) navigation sensors to keep the stationary dredg- from GME is an ad-
Wärtsilä ers on position and the supplied AIS (Automatic vanced MEOSAR
Identi? cation System) will keep the vessel visible
Wärtsilä High-res Radar ready 406MHz
Wärtsilä launched its RS24 high-resolution, com- for the shipping traf? c in the area. The equip- digital EPIRB. De- mercially available K-band maritime radar. De- ment package consists amongst others of a mix signed, engineered signed to detect far smaller objects and at a much of Furuno equipment and other equipment brands and manufactured higher radar resolution than conventional S- or for VHF, MF/HF, Navtex, DGPS, as well as a in Australia, the
X-band radars, the RS24 enables small vessels Magnetic Compass, SART, EPIRB, Wind, ATEX
MT603FG have ob- and other potential hazards close to large ships UHF portable and GMDSS Portable handheld. tained International Cospas-Sarsat and US FCC to be visible. This promotes safety, especially “We are happy to partner with Royal IHC again approval. The MT603FG is designed to ensure the in congested shipping lanes and busy ports. The for the NavCom on these two dredgers. Royal safety of your vessel and crew in emergency situ- technology has been developed by Guidance Ma- IHC is globally renowned as a specialized, lead- ations, featuring an integrated 66 Channel GPS rine, a Wärtsilä company. The ? rst orders for the ing designer and builder of dredging vessels. Im- receiver delivering greater position accuracy and
Wärtsilä RS24 have been received and delivered, portant for IHC is the fact that Radio Holland is faster location ? x than previous models. Bost- and indications are that the system will prove par- an independent company and supplier, also able ing zero warm-up digital technology. MT603FG ticularly bene? cial to vessels, such as cruise ships to perform service everywhere with its global net-
EPIRBs acquire and transmit accurate Latitude/ and ferries, that make frequent port calls. The sys- work,” said Kenneth de Grood, account manager
Longitude and personal identi? cation informa- tem is featured in Wärtsilä’s IntelliTug project. in The Netherlands.
tion to rescue authorities as soon as possible.
www.wartsila.com gme.net.au
Hurtigruten Inks Rotten Fish NAVTOR NavBox Certi? ed
Azurtane Launches New Vessel
Biogas Deal Cyber Secure
Positioning Technology
As the global marine industry aggressively moves NAVTOR has moved to demonstrate the integrity
Working in conjunction with Red Funnel, the to reduce emissions from ships, and Norway in of its innovative NavBox solution with ‘cyber
Isle of Wight ferry company, ? rst trials began on particular has thrown down the gauntlet of zero secure’ certi? cation (IEC 61162-460 Gateway) the ferry operator’s high-speed craft RedJet7 in emission cruise ships in certain fjords along its from DNV GL. NavBox, which automates the late April 2019. Azurtane’s new technology will scenic coast, Norwegian cruise ship operator distribution and updates of digital charts, publica- be capable of positioning is designed to position
Hurtigruten has signed a 7.5-year deal to buy tions and other navigational data, now guarantees vessels within 4cm of a given location. Azurtane lique? ed biogas (LBG) made from dead ? sh and both complete regulatory compliance and secu- managing director, Don Gregory, believes that other organic waste to help power its vessels. rity for an increasingly digitized generation of there are two critical aspects to maintaining an
Under the contract with Biokraft, Hurtigruten shipowners and operators.
ef? cient high-speed ferry service. “Governed by ships will start receiving near-daily supplies of “If we look at the past two years we can identify a a strict timetable, the craft must reach their way
LBG, with the ? rst delivery taking place in 2020. worrying increase of cyber criminal activity, with points, notional interim destinations, with only a
The company last year said it would invest about high pro? le attacks targeting, amongst others, key few seconds’ leeway if they are to arrive on time,” $800 million to re? t six vessels to partly run on shipping businesses including Maersk and COS- he says. “Achieving that is not as simple as put- the renewable fuel. “?ur ships will literally be CO, as well as ports such as San Diego and Bar- ting your foot down and catching up lost time. powered by nature. Biogas is the greenest fuel in celona,” said Tor Svanes, CEO, NAVTOR. “And
That would just add to fuel cost and carbon emis- shipping, a no-brainer for us, and a huge advan- this is really just the tip of the iceberg.” sions. The secret is to be aware of the external tage for the environment,” Hurtigruten chief ex- NavBox offers a range of security features includ- factors that may delay the ferry such as tides, cur- ecutive Daniel Skjeldam said in a statement. ing an encrypted connection – transferring data in rents, wind and other vessels in the Solent.
The hybrid ships will run on a combination of a format only recognised by NAVTOR software electric power from batteries, lique? ed natural – CRC checks, the non-transferral of executable gas (LNG) and lique? ed biogas. Biogas is already ? les (a key source of malware) and communica- used as fuel in parts of the transport sector, espe- tion through secure servers. The unit also oper- cially in buses. It can be produced by using or- ates as a ‘blackbox’, with no screen, keyboard or ganic waste, such that from ? sheries and forestry, mouse, diminishing risk from human interaction.
www.navtor.com which the Nordic region has in abundance.
Azurtane www.marinelink.com 55
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