Page 22: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (July 2019)
Cruise Vessel Design & Outfit
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Data: A clearer view to
ClassNK released its Guide- lines for Software Security to vessel safety performance assist with risk management focused on software used
Port State Control inspection records It seems obvious that ships will ben- onboard vessels. They outline suggest safety standards are improving, e? t from a single view of their environ- but a closer examination that reveals ar- ment in terms of availability of critical the recommended security eas for improvement, says Paul Stanley voyage and safety data. But according measures to take throughout
Transparency of data is key to im- to our research the missed opportunity the development, integration, proving safety in shipping and at ? rst goes beyond failure to capitalize on and operation stages of the sight, the statistics suggest that the in- just-in-time delivery of navigation data dustry is on the right course in terms of for operational reasons. software. Their release demon- compliance. In 2018, Port State Control Vessel inventories are often not being strates a formulation of guide- inspectors in the USCG, Paris and Ja- regularly reviewed against routes, Flag, lines and standards that address pan MOUs made more vessel inspec- Port State or technical library require- tions and found fewer de? ciencies. ments and the software installed on- each layer of the ClassNK
In fact, the number of annual inspec- board to help navigate safely isn’t being
Cyber Security Approach an- tions has risen by 4% over the last four fully exploited.
nounced ? ve months ago. The years while the number of de? ciencies The core of what we do is about safety
Guidelines for Software Secu- has fallen by 8% over the same period. and compliance; enabling our custom-
It’s evidence that the effectiveness of ers to benchmark their performance and rity were developed in collabo-
Port State Control has improved since providing tools that make it easier to
Paul Stanley, CEO, ration with ClassNK’s partner authorities started sharing data and identify and rectify problems. Instead
Global Navigation Solutions
TÜV Rheinland.
making it publicly available, because of having to sift vast tracts of data, we de? cient owners have fewer places to performance. provide information as a management hide from inspectors, enforcement bod- As might be expected, lifesaving ap- tool that can be acted on, for every ves-
DEAL TO ies - or shippers and charterers. pliances and ? re safety measures were sel world-wide, whether or not they are
This data, which GNS collects and the biggest causes of de? ciencies in a GNS customer.
DIGITAL SHIPS analyses for use with our clients also 2018. Some 39% fewer navigation re- Using this data even enables GNS demonstrates that while the headline lated de? ciencies were recorded last to provide clients with information on
DSME, Korea Maritime and ? gure is encouraging, there are issues year compared to 2014, suggesting that which vessel types – and which ? ags
Ocean University, NAPA and that lie behind the results that need con- the move to digital navigation has made - are most likely to have de? ciencies
AVL announced an agreement tinued vigilance. It also demonstrates it easier for vessels to comply. recorded. We can also demonstrate the continued importance of data to the Issues with Nautical Publications the ports at which inspection activity – coordinated by DSME – to safety management process for ship- were the third most likely cause of a is strongest. Between 2016 and 2018, develop digital ships and other owners and operators. de? ciency in 2018, accounting for 39% vessels sailing into Singapore, New Or- related solutions. The collabo-
As the shipping industry becomes of navigation-related de? ciencies, per- leans Louisiana and Novorossiysk were ration will cover all aspects of more digitalized and embraces a higher haps because they are easiest to identify. most likely to receive the attention of level of data sharing in order to achieve However, whereas paper chart-related the inspectors. creating comprehensive digital a ‘digital business mindset’, so the need de? ciencies fell by 66% over that peri- The ? rst quarter of 2019 has tragically twins: from the acquisition and for accurate data and actionable infor- od, issues related to ECDIS and Elec- demonstrated how much work is still processing of quality engine mation grows too. tronic Navigation Charts increased by a needed to improve shipping safety. Our room data, ship performance
Last year’s Global Maritime Forum factor of nearly four as more of the ? eet belief is that the digital trend is so well meeting in Hong Kong identi? ed data transitioned to digital navigation. established that more owners are rec- and meteorological data to the sharing as having the potential to over- Managing ENC data should be rela- ognizing the advantage that data gives training, simulation and hu- come fragmentation in maritime safety tively straightforward – though our re- them, not just in operational ef? ciency, man machine interface that will and how shipping could establish a plat- search has shown that many operators but in safety too.
form that enables international bodies tend to buy too many ENCs and not al- For that, shipowners need the full pic- be necessary to turn insights to collect, analyze and publish safety- ways the data they actually need. ture on inspection data and the ability to from engine data into practical related information. However, it is clear from digging a establish connectivity between reported ef? ciencies. KMOU faculty
From the PSC data GNS has analyzed, little deeper that the industry still has issues. By creating a detailed picture, members have already started sourced from the combined MoU orga- an issue with navigational safety. If we vessel by vessel and across a ? eet, it nizations, there is a clear need for this combine all the defects reported in the is possible to identify defects and spot developing a platform in which global data stream - and to make it as Safety of Navigation categories, they trends – and put resources in place to
AR/VR and digital twin tech- widely available as possible if we are to dwarf the top two categories, despite address issues before they become de- nology are embedded. achieve further improvements in safety being much easier to rectify. ? ciencies.
22 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • JULY 2019
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