Page 55: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (July 2019)
Cruise Vessel Design & Outfit
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Shell Brings 58% Cost Savings
Shell Marine’s medium-speed engine oil Shell
Gadinia proved its value with PT Indo Container
Line (ICON Line), which con? rmed that reduced lubricant consumption led to longer oil-drain intervals and costs down by 58%. Calculations made immediately after comparative trials for the Indonesian shipping line showed that a 58%
Cummins cut in lubricant costs is available to ICON Line through the use of Shell Gadinia S3. Annualized,
Cummins & IMO Tier III this is equivalent to saving $16,900 per vessel.
Cummins’ solution for IMO Tier III emission
Shell Gadinia S3 40 is a high-quality, multi-func- regulations is to use proven Tier II engine tech- tional diesel engine lubricant which is particu-
ExxonMobil’s Mobilgard M420 nology and add a Selective Catalytic Reduction
ExxonMobil added Mobilgard M420 to its range larly suited for medium-speed main or auxiliary (SCR) aftertreatment system. A unique feature of advanced marine lubricants. Mobilgard M420 engines burning fuels with sulfur contents up to will allow the ship’s crew to manually “pause” is a 20 BN oil that has been tested speci? cally 1%, protecting against oxidization and thermal the SCR system whenever operating outside of a for use in medium speed engines using fuels that degradation and minimizing lacquering. controlled emission area. Fleet owners with ex- www.shell.com comply with the IMO global 0.50 percent sulfur isting Tier II Cummins engines can add the SCR cap. The lubricant has received No Objection system, recalibrate the electronic control module
Letters from leading engine builders, including and meet both Tier II and Tier III standards.
MAN ES and Wartsila.
The aftertreatment system has a modular design
With the marine fuel landscape changing in the utilizing a Vanadia-based catalyst that can be ser- lead up to 2020, Mobilgard M420 has been for- viced by a single crew member through an access mulated for use on vessels running on 0.50 per- panel. It can be operated with either 32.5% or cent or 0.10 percent sulphur fuels. 40% concentrations of DEF. www.exxonmobil.com www.cummins.com
Kongsberg: Vessel Insight
Kongsberg unveiled Vessel Insight, a subscrip- tion-based service addressing the key challenges for digital adoption in the maritime industry, given the complex and customized integration of systems and equipment on board, which renders standardization challenging. Accessing suf? cient
ABB quality data securely from vessels has histori-
Iridium’s First GMDSS Terminal cally been so costly that it largely nulls out the
ABB Debuts
Iridium Communications and partner Lars potential gains in operational expenditure. Vessel
New Compact Turbocharger
Thrane unveiled the Lars Thrane (LT) 3100S ter-
Insight addresses this challenge. Vessel Insight minal designed to operate on the Iridium network ABB Turbocharging launched the new A255-L enables customers to cost ef? ciently capture and for Global Maritime Distress and Safety System and A260-L turbochargers optimized for small aggregate quality data from their assets, and se- (GMDSS) vessel carriage requirements, with ser- and medium bore two-stroke diesel and gas en- curely transfer them to the cloud. Through the vice targeted to launch in January 2020. This is gines. Scaled down from the A100-L and A200-L
Kognifai Marketplace, customers get access to a a terminal designed to provide global GMDSS designs, the new models offer a smaller size while large range of leading applications and services.
services. With the LT-3100S, mariners have an retaining key design features incorporating the www.kongsberg.com all-in-one system that can meet Safety of Life latest rotor component technologies. Their com- at Sea (SOLAS) convention vessel carriage re- pact design allows installation ? exibility in mod- quirements, while also serving as a primary or ern, space-optimized engine rooms. The A255-L companion communications system. The new and A260-L offers the marine engine market, tur- terminal will offer GMDSS services, along with bocharger technology with more power density voice, texting, and data services with a built in with a smaller frame size. For ship owners, these
GNSS/GPS receiver. The terminal also supports new turbochargers deliver high ef? ciency, lower the SSAS, Anti-Piracy/Citadel Comms and LRIT. fuel consumption and emissions. www.iridium.com www.abb.com
Kongsberg www.marinelink.com 55
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