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Page 18: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 2019)
Workboat Edition
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DESIGN: BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD -cally no longer so dif? cult. sion pods in the 250 kW range (I would and a better engine room). seating to keep passengers safe in foil
Foiling math is fun, and it is now well like to use four and she is a 1000 kW I would like her to be a bow loader collisions, and interpretation of present established in the high-performance sail- boat) it could be even more interesting. (for one thing bow loaders do not get rule restrictions for larger composite pas- ing world. Foilers do not operate with a Glosten suggests two 600kW generator damaged as easily during docking and senger ferries. At ? rst glance there are no large amount of hump drag and there- units to deal with Tier 3 to Tier 4 issues, operators are cagey about composite 250 kW permanent magnet off-the-shelf fore they do not need a large amount of although, theoretically, a single engine ferries due to impact damage issues). It high speed propulsors, but based on a installed power to get over the hump. would be even more ef? cient. Remark- would need to be a nice aerodynamic quick internet search I could be wrong;
Once they get on foil, a well-designed ably, battery electric propulsion is not bow loading arrangement that can inter- they may be out there though.
foiler can burn as little as 50% of the out of the question. Remember, once face with existing bow loading dock ar- But even while we are waiting for fuel a catamaran burns. But that is only power requirements go down, battery rangements, but, again, that is related to those propulsors we can do further re- the beginning of the fun, a foiler has in- realities go up. inspired design and is not a deal breaker. ? nements, discuss USCG regulations, herently low wake and is less affected The Glosten design shows the engine Con? gured that way, she can get into and have some fascinating hull struc- by waves. The Glosten/Bieker design at midship, Will tells me that is related the shallow water ports, load passengers, ture discussions. For example, is this a dials in on these advances in materials, to CG and foil lift proportioning issues. accelerate to foils speed, do her 27 nauti- 20 knot hull (which is the take off speed controls, and propulsion. It also reaches I know it is possible to re? ne that and I cal mile run in occasionally rough water where she will no longer impact waves) back to an ancient planing hull design, a would insist on a stern mounted engine in less than an hour, and get me there in or is it a 35 knot hull (in case she has a
Seasled hull, which is just about perfect room. That would require only one sound comfort and style, with reduced wake rough landing with a foil collision). I am for a foiler like this. proof bulkhead and result in a much bet- and fuel consumption. It sure would sure that will also be solved; you can al-
Ferries are always optimized for a run, ter cabin with the added bene? t of being make me happy. ready see that some pretty slick compos- so let’s look at this design for my favor- able to use a zero deadrise seasled tran- I am not saying it will be easy, more ites designers have worked on this con- ite run; Atlantic Highlands to NYC. It is som (more ef? cient lift, cheaper to build deep thinking will be required, such as cept; forget about square windows, they a great run for a ferry of this type. (But are a waste of good structure, hence the there may actually be less challenging truss sides to make this boat really light.
runs out there in deep rivers, fjords and Proof of concept vessels are important. bays). The ferry is a little small in to- I know there are some wealthy people day’s Atlantic Highlands traf? c, but let’s who commute to New York City by wa- make her an off-hour ferry, and use her ter, maybe they would be interested in a for the lower density runs throughout the 1/3 scale commuter, no more worrying day, including a nice late night run that about big waves in a small boat. Spread can get me home after a broadway show the word. I like what I see on paper, I’d and a post-show drink. really like to see it in real life.
In this application she will need re- For each column I write, MREN has tracting foils to deal with the shallow agreed to make a small donation to an water depths at Atlantic Highlands. At organization of my choice. For this col- present the bow foils do not retract, but umn I nominate 350.org, https://350.org/
Will tells me that can be changed rather one of the main international grass roots easily. advocates for keeping atmospheric CO2
If she has electric propulsion pods in at 350 ppm. We have already exceeded her aft foil, they can simply be raised to that limit and it is not slowing down yet, provide suf? cient bottom clearance. If but, as an engineer, I know we can do it. there are nice sleek off-the-shelf propul-
Images: Glosten 18 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • NOVEMBER 2019
MR #11 (18-25).indd 18 10/29/2019 10:04:44 AM