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Page 54: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (February 2020)
Green Ship Technology
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Maritime Autonomy
Special report on the policies, technologies, challenges and the players
Business and Personnel Considerations in
The Age of Autonomous Ship Technology here is much talk among some may discredit their overreliance of
Adapting to the Technology maritime professionals about Most of us have experienced numer- technology, we need to capitalize on the how automation and autono- ous instances in both our business and bene? ts it brings to the industry. mous vessels will make the private lives where we were told that a This is not the time to sit on the side
Tindustry safer. In truth, inno- particular technology would “not disrupt lines with the business operating pro? le vation will be driven by the bottom line normal operations” or that implementa- of “we have always done it this way”. I and will take time before it is common- tion would be seamless and “you won’t look at it this way – yes there were still place in the industry. Early examples even know it’s there.” A common theme blacksmiths after Henry Ford, but auto are likely to be limited to smaller vessels that is put forth is that technology will mechanics soon outnumbered them. and coastal waters. Autonomous ships be designed to adapt to the user. While So stay educated on the latest develop- are predicted to reduce human error, a this may be viable on the macro scale, ments and proactively adopt improved major driver of accidents, but crews will it is not the case on the micro scale. I safety and navigation technology and still have an important role on board only have to think back to my last phone procedures. vessels for the foreseeable future. upgrade or the last time I bought a new As an industry, we must drive this microwave. All too often we adapt to the discussion and help steer innovations
Recent Trials technology. In many cases, it is simply so that they help us operate safely and
In December 2018, Rolls-Royce dem- the way our brains are wired: tool use is more ef? ciently. Keeping the status quo onstrated what it claims is the world’s a key component of our collective pasts. is not a viable option, nor is just look- ? rst fully autonomous ferry on a trip be- This is likely how it will play out for the ing to be “Grandfathered” in. The land- tween Parainen and Nauvo in Finland . marine industry with individuals adapt- scape of “Grandfathering” in vessels 1
The UK-based engineering group plans ing to the new technology versus the from a compliance standpoint is under to bring self-guided cargo ships to the other way around. increased scrutiny given some of the world’s seas by 2025. Three months tragic losses that have occurred in our later, in March 2019, a series of autono- recent past.
Adapting to the New Environment mous operations trials were held in the Another key issue is that as maritime
North Sea off the Netherlands coast by autonomous technology begins to make
Cyber Security a Major Concern
The Dutch Joint Industry Project: Au- inroads into our industry, the pace of An important step that has implica- tonomous Shipping to show the deci- change will accelerate. Once the tech- tions for autonomous vessels is the need sion-making process of an autonomous nology becomes available, there will be for operators to enhance cyber security system in ensuring safe sailing and numerous business pressures that will for their shoreside and a? oat infrastruc- avoiding collisions with other vessels. force the adaption of some form of the ture.
Meanwhile, Norwegian shipbuilder technology to be adopted. These may The United States Coast Guard devel-
VARD is currently building a small au- be regulatory, legislative or customer- oped guidelines with recommended ac- tonomous electric container vessel for driven demands. tion, including: fertilizer company Yara, planned for So where does that leave vessel opera- launch in early 2020 with autonomous tors and their crews? All vessel opera- • Conduct a Risk Assessment – Be- operation expected by 2022 . China is tors should stay abreast of developments gin by assessing what parts of your 2 setting up a 225-square-mile test zone in the arena of autonomous vessel op- enterprise are controlled or sup- for autonomous ships while a group of erations. The issue of maintaining a suit- ported by computer systems. What
Japanese shipping lines have formed a able manpower pool with the requisite are the consequences should those consortium to build remote-control car- skills is also critical. We are dealing with systems become inoperable, con- go ships by 2025. a new generation of mariner and boat trolled by outside parties, or mis- operator entering the industry. While used by internal parties?
54 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • February 2020
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