Page 41: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 2020)
Cruise Shipping Annual
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“We had an email chain (on a speci? c coating technology recently) and they asked ‘what is your opinion?’. “We both said ‘we don’t have an opinion, ask Anshul.’
He has all of the data.”
Patrik Dahlgren, SVP of RCCL’s
Global Marine Organization
Though cruise shipping represents a on order. Designing vessels for a rigor- the charge, RCCL’s GMO team predict- scant percentage of the world fleet in ous 30+ year work schedule and keep- ably has its plate full to source, test and total, it is the public face of shipping ing the fleet in good working order is a install technologies and systems to help for many, as its luxuriant, billion+ dol- 24/7/365 job, ably conducted by Patrik it meet its goals on efficiency and emis- lar ships sail directly ‘downtown’ to Dahlgren, SVP of RCCL’s Global Ma- sions. “We have more than 200 individ- major cities globally. But being ‘20/20’ rine Organization (GMO), and a team ual technical projects that are currently in public vision is a double edge sword; of 150, a team based on land in Miami, open and in the portfolio right now,” on one hand it raises public awareness Hamburg, London, Shanghai and Ma- said Dahlgren. “Some are energy effi- and helps to power a brand’s potential drid, with nearly 1,000 trained profes- ciency, some lifecycle projects; and this growth; on the other, it puts a target sionals physically on the ships at sea. is not just all R&D.” on your back, or more accurately your All told, RCCL’s GMO provides techni- stack, as environmentalists and legisla- cal, nautical, energy management, asset Chill Out tors push for reduced emissions from management as well as “a long list of The maritime industry is generally the ships. RCCL is a long-tenured glob- portfolio services” for the entire fleet. portrayed as conservative and slow to al leader in the cruise sector, with six As the commercial marine industry change. “Because of how the industry brands currently under the its umbrella traverses a transcendent period with de- works you are looking at replacing tech- comprised of 62 ships with 15+ ships carbonization and digitalization leading nology that (in some cases) is 20 years www.marinelink.com 41
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