Page 47: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 2020)
Cruise Shipping Annual
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and legally responsible for the vessel and all souls onboard, are accustomed to hav- ing their word be final.
Melding new tech solutions, such as precise weather routing, can help to dra- matically improve vessel performance and fuel efficiency. To this end, the
RCCL GMO team is particularly keen to not simply dictate a route to the captain of a ship, rather work with the captain and the bridge team to suggest alterna- tives for consideration. It’s a fine line, but a necessary walk in the quest to lever- age both experienced people and emerg- ing technology. “There will always be a need for that experienced maritime per- son and mind,” said Dahlgren, a former ship captain himself. “New technology
The 20.5-mega- should make easier some traditional jobs, watt ABB azipod it should not take over from the experi- installed onto enced engineer. There needs to be a com-
Spectrum of the
bination of both.”
Tuteja puts the RCCL philosophy sim-
Photo: Royal Caribbean Cruises ply: “The human brain is at the core. We don’t want AI to replace the human brain.
It must work in tandem. What we’re do- ing is trying to assist the onboard crew to make better informed decisions. It’s about the right data to the right people at the right time to make the right deci- sions.” As the RCCL GMO team devel- ops and evaluates new technologies, it
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is keen to engage the captains and chief engineers early and often for their in- sights and feedback, to not only ensure the viability and value of the new tech but to help facilitate change management among veteran crew. “Look at your phone,” said Tuteja. “There are millions of apps, but you don’t download them all, you only down-
STEADFAST QUALITY load the ones that adds a value to you
UNMATCHED SERVICE on a daily basis. The same is true for the captain and chief engineer: they’re only $_;-uv_-??v?-m7v!;]bv|u?1omvbv|;m|?? r;u=oulvl$_;u;1ou7vr;-hv=oub|v;?=l going to use something that they believe adds value, optimizes the operation and _oov;|oY?|_;?ou?7Lv?o1-?Y-]l reduces administrative burden.”
In summarizing RCCL’s broad use of data to run ships more efficiently, bolster- ing the bottom line and cutting emissions, blog.register-iri.com www.register-iri.com [email protected]
Dahlgren summarizes: “This has been an incredible journey, with a return that has m|;um-?om-?!;]bv|ub;vkm1l bm-L?b-?om?b|_|_;-uv_-??v?-m7v-ub?l;sourou-|;7lbmbv|u-|ouv been financial, emission reduction, and reliability. It has been amazing.” www.marinelink.com 47
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