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Cruise Shipping Annual
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M A R I N E L I N K . C O M
No. 3 Vol. 82
Bryant Buchmann
Doyle Ewing
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News (ISSN # 0025-3448) is published monthly (twelve issues) by Maritime Activity Reports,
Inc., 118 East 25th St., New York, NY 10010-1062. Periodicals Postage Paid at
New York, NY and additional mailing of? ces.
Goldberg Mulligan
MILITARY FACILITIES send address correc- tions to Maritime Reporter, 850 Montauk
Hwy., #867, Bayport, NY 11705.
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Parker Paschoa Strupp
Copyright © 2020 Maritime Activity
Reports, Inc.
Bryant ence, including work on the multi-year provides strategic and tactical support,
Dennis Bryant is with Bryant’s Maritime Port of Houston Channel Development including analytics and communica-
Consulting, and a regular contributor to Project and a federal feasibility study to tions, to businesses across the mari-
In U.S.:
Maritime Reporter & Engineering News. deepen the Brownsville Ship Channel. time spectrum.
One full year (12 issues) $110.00;
Two years (24 issues) $190.00
Buchmann Moore Paschoa
Rest of the World:
Alexander Buchmann founded Hanseat- Brent Moore manages HDR’s ports and Claudio Paschoa is a regular contributor
One full year (12 issues) $189.00; icsoft in 2009 to develop software solu- maritime practice on the Gulf Coast and to New Wave Media publications, print two years $228.00 (24 issues) tions for shipping companies. is experienced in all aspects of marine and electronic. including postage and handling. projects from planning to design to
Doyle construction administration. Stoichevski
William P. Doyle is CEO & Executive William Stoichevski began working for
Director of the Dredging Contractors of Mulligan the Associated Press in Oslo. In 2003,
America. Tom Mulligan was born in London and he left the AP to oversee and write for
Email: [email protected] grew up in Manchester, England. He a number of publications in the Norwe-
Web: www.marinelink.com
Ewing graduated Trinity College Dublin in 1979 gian capital. He has written thousands t: (212) 477-6700
Tom Ewing specializrd in energy and en- with a BA Hons Degree in Natural Sci- of offshore-focused reports from his f: (212) 254-6271 vironmental topics. ences (Chemistry). Following a period North Sea vantage point. Hard-to-match as a production chemist in an electronic access has granted him interviews
Goldberg circuit board manufacturing company, with hundreds of industry captains and
Murray Goldberg is CEO of Ma- he returned to the University of Limerick policy makers across the globe. William rine Learning Systems, maker of in 1986 where he obtained a Masters lives and works in Oslo. He started writ-
MarineLMS. A researcher and devel- Degree in Industrial Chemistry in 1988. ing for Maritime Reporter in 2014.
oper of learning management systems, Today, based in Ireland, he serves as
Member his software has been used by millions Maritime Reporter & Engineering News’ Strupp of people and companies worldwide. science and technology writer. Bruce Strupp has recently joined ABB
Marine & Ports with extensive experi-
McLellan Olsson ence in many aspects of the maritime
Neil McLellan is a senior project man- Mats Olsson is Cruise Ship Business industry. He is responsible for leading ager at HDR who leads multi-disciplined Development Manager, MacGregor. all activities in North America includ- maritime teams along the Texas and ing market Intelligence report, regional
Business Publications Audit
Louisiana Gulf Coast. He has nearly 40 Parker strategy and initiatives.
of Circulation, Inc.
years of coastal engineering experi- Barry Parker, bdp1 Consulting Ltd 4 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • March 2020
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