Page 61: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 2020)
Cruise Shipping Annual
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able performance monitoring based on craned vessels, shared historical perfor- of the world’s total – about the same standardized principles (ISO 19030) for mance data from the cargo ship Penguin output as Germany. the measurement of changes in hull and Arrow dating from January 2000, allow- Failure to prioritize hull performance propeller performance,” he said. “Since ing for a full comparative analysis. not only result in additional fuel costs, then, the company has amassed one of After installing sensors and apply- but also may expose owners to claims the industry’s most comprehensive data ing Jotun’s premium anti-fouling, related to charter party agreements or sets on hull performance.” (SeaQuantum x200), Jotun was able to additional costs for periodic underwater
Levantis says that hull and propeller monitor speed loss over a 60-month pe- hull cleanings. At the same time, port performance have a much larger impact riod. The results indicated a speed loss authorities in Australia, New Zealand, on vessel ef? ciency than previously of just 0.5 percent, resulting in an esti- California and the EU have become in- thought. “We estimate that the average mated fuel savings of $1.5 million and creasingly sensitive to biofouling risk, yearly speed loss for all vessel types and a corresponding reduction of CO emis- placing new requirements on owners. 2 trades, regardless of what anti-fouling sions of 12,055 tonnes.
is used, is about six percent,” he says. “Our data conclusively proves the link Next-gen Hull Maintenance “For a typical bulk carrier, compensat- between hull performance and fuel ef- While new anti-fouling technologies ing for this speed loss would require an ? ciency,” said Levantis. “And with the have drastically reduced speed loss be- increase of power of up to 18 percent, IMO’s pledged to reduce the total annu- tween drydockings and more ports are resulting in higher fuel costs and GHG al GHG emissions by at least 50 percent offering advanced ROV hull cleaning emissions.” Levantis is careful to note by 2050 compared to 2008, we believe services, pending regulations on emis- that Jotun’s data is taken from owners hull performance will play a greater role sions and invasive species will require a and ? eet managers who are committed in helping owners and ? eet managers more proactive approach to hull mainte- to improving hull performance. “When comply with pending regulations.” nance. Increasingly, owners are seeking you consider that low freight rates over solutions to manage hull performance
The Cost of Fouling the past ? ve years have discouraged more effectively between dry dockings, many owners from investing in premi- According to the Clean Shipping Co- when fouling occurs. After all, removing um anti-foulings or sensor technologies, alition, the only international environ- slime before marine organisms can at- the market speed loss average may ex- mental organization that focuses ex- tach to the hull would not only improve ceed six per cent.” clusively on shipping issues, poor hull vessel ef? ciency and lower GHG emis- and propeller performance accounts for sions, but also help control the spread of $1.5M in Fuel Savings around 10 percent of the world ? eet’s invasive species.
While Jotun does not usually share energy consumption, translating to “The industry now has access to his- customer data, the company worked in about $30 billion in additional fuel costs torical data that makes a strong business cooperation with Gearbulk in 2016 to for the world ? eet, every year. Burning case for optimising hull performance,” measure hull performance. GearBulk, this fuel adds 0.3 percent to shipping’s says Levantis. “As an analyst, I believe which operates the world’s largest ? eet total greenhouse gas output, which, ac- what can be measured can be managed – of open hatch gantry and semi-open jib cording to the IMO, is about 2.2 percent we don’t have to guess anymore.” www.marinelink.com 61
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