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Page 12: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 2020)
Offshore Energy Edition
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Training Tips for Ships
Tip #11
Your LMS Can Help You Now ... More Than Ever t is clear that we are living in unprecedented existing in-person training on-line so that it can be done safely. times. Equally clear is that we will get through Rather than describe this myself, here is a note I received from this pandemic, but that it is going to take some a large ferry operator just a few days ago about their response to strength, stamina and especially some innova- the pandemic:
I tion to come through as unscathed as possible.
It is the innovation part that I wish to address “But here is the good news. The LMS has been working here with some tips that go beyond training; wonderfully. ... I’m having all my new terminal employees tips I am observing our customers innovate and implement. Tips do all of their required training at home which aligns with that help us solve some of the problems created by the impacts the CDC guidance. Given that we have a world pandemic of this pandemic. My hat is off to these customers for their can- going on this system is providing both our students and do spirit in these diffcult times, using the tools at hand to solve instructors a safer environment. That is going to be the new problems. plan for all of our deck new hires as well. I’ve been able
With that, here are three different initiatives undertaken by our to cancel approximately 32 instructor-led trainings and innovative customers to use their LMS to help them get through utilize the LMS instead”.
these times. If you have an LMS (or want to implement one quickly), one or more of these may help you as well. The LMS to Deliver COVID-19 Related Training
I’ll close with the most obvious. We have been hearing from
The LMS as a Communication Tool a number of customers that they have deployed “just in time”
One of our largest customers has a feet of more than 100 ves- training about COVID-related issues. These include topics such sels and tens of thousands of employees on land and at sea. With as physical distancing, food handling, customer interactions, sur- such a feet and with so many employees, communication is one face cleaning, and many more tips on limiting the spread of the of the most challenging issues. Getting regular and timely up- disease. There are many good, free learning resources in Power- dates to all employees is critical in these times to share needed Point or video format that can immediately be loaded into your information, reduce fears, quell rumors and reassure every- LMS (and depending on your LMS - immediately synchronized one. And ideally, these updates come from the very top. There out to your vessels). Adding a short exam to track the training is nothing like hearing directly from the company president in and ensure the key points are learned takes only minutes in most times like these. LMSs, and helps you sleep at night knowing your employees
In order to achieve this, our customer is creating regular video have the knowledge they need to keep safe and healthy, and to podcasts where the president addresses all employees. These keep those around them safe and healthy as well.
videos are simple, direct to the point, reassuring, and contain Let’s continue to share best practice to ensure that we all get useful information that the employees need. Although these par- through this intact and as quickly as possible. Until next time, ticular videos happen to be very well done, it is not necessary sail safely and please stay healthy!
that they have a high production quality. Instead, honest, timely
The Author and authentic will win the day every time.
Each time a video is created, it is immediately placed on the
LMS which in turn automatically synchronizes it to all vessels in
Murray Goldberg is CEO of Marine the feet. Statistics are automatically generated both from shore
Learning Systems which provides soft- and all vessels, so the company knows when, and how much they ware and services to optimize knowl- are being watched. This helps gauge the impact of the videos.
edge, skills and behavior in maritime op- erators.
The LMS to Create Safe Training Spaces
Contact Murray @ [email protected]
One obvious opportunity to safely maintain training is to move 12 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • April 2020