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Page 31: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 2020)
Fleet Management
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SHIP CLASSIFICATION & COVID-19 “It’s like navigating a ship: You know where you’re going, but you’re in dire straits so you need an extra watchman to help you maneuver every nautical mile.
At the same time you need to maintain a long-term outlook.”
Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen,
CEO Maritime, DNV GL
DNV GL vanced product and systems, LR’s increased the frequency of our manage- need to maintain some long-term vision.
Brown said that being prepared for any ment meetings to a weekly basis, and I’m “In the short term, we are focusing on emergency comes down to a basic prem- in touch with my direct reports on a daily communication internally and connect- ise: “You need to communicate, commu- basis.” ing with clients digitally to ensure we nicate and communicate. You can’t pre- Ørbeck-Nilssen compares the plan- stay responsive to their needs and fnd pare for every emergency, but you need ning challenge today to navigating a new ways of doing business that adapt to to ensure that people are empowered to ship through a storm: “You know where the circumstances we fnd ourselves in,” act swiftly, effectively and safely when you’re going, but you’re in dire straits said Wiernicki. “At times like this when faced with crisis. You also need systems so you need an extra watchman to help so much feels out of control, it is impor- that will support you to continue to serve you maneuver every nautical mile. At the tant to focus on what you can control and your customers in a fexible way.” same time you need to maintain a long- so our ongoing focus on minimizing and term outlook; to know your end destina- eliminating unnecessary costs will keep
The Next 24 Hours tion and which course you’re charting.” us in good shape while we keep driving
The world economy really started to At Japan’s ClassNK there has been a forward new technologies and services. hit the brakes in late February 2020 as notable increase of communications to The long-term plan remains the same as the pandemic spread, notably hitting the its feet as shipowners navigate a number it has since our inception.”
U.S. hard and shutting large swathes of of simultaneous perilous currents. ClassNK’s Okamoto, concurs. “While the world’s largest economy. At press “The volume of correspondence relat- it is fair to say that day to day decision time more than 30 million Americans ed to due dates for inspections and sur- making is currently based on emergency have joined the unemployment line in vey procedures for ships in operation and procedures, ClassNK remains committed less than two months, a staggering speed newbuildings has increased drastically,” to its Mid-Term Plan, R&D Roadmap, culminating in an unemployment rate said Takeshi Okamoto, Corporate Of- and its recently announced ClassNK of nearly 15% versus less than 5% just fcer and General Manager of EOD, Digital Grand Design 2030 to better inte- two months earlier. As global recession ClassNK. “We have temporarily shifted grate data utilization and grow its activi- looms, many in the maritime sector have some human resources from on-site ties based on opportunities presented by adjusted their ‘long-range’ planning to surveys, supporting clients by making digital technologies.” the next 24 hours. greater use of remote surveys and tak-
Class Future: Digital, Connected “I think it’s true that all of us in the ing other practical measures. As a matter maritime industry, and DNV GL, have of urgency, we have invested in the ICT While much of the vision of the fu- had to narrow our planning outlook to to reinforce and enhance our remote op- ture is fuzzy at best, one thing that is what’s happening tomorrow, to what’s erations capabilities, and also to support crystal clear is the need to fast-track the happening next week,” said Ørbeck- staff working from home.” digitalization and connectivity activities
Nilssen. “There are many moving parts Even as tumultuous markets demand throughout maritime.
to any global operation, and we have shorter term planning, all concur on the In the fve years leading up to 2020, www.marinelink.com 31