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2020 Yearbook
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u.S. ShIpbuILdINg 2020 yearbook
NSRP & United States Shipbuildng
Photo: Huntington Ingalls Industries-Newport News Shipbuilding he National Shipbuilding Re- this impact through collaboration among The U.S. Maritime Administration search Program (NSRP) is a a very diverse set of shipyards, in a neu- used the panel framework of the Soci- unique program focused on an tral setting that facilitates best practice ety of Naval Architects and Marine En-
Timportant mission: reducing sharing and advancement of the state gineers (SNAME), and specifcally the the total ownership cost and improving of shipbuilding and ship repair. This newly-formed Ship Production Commit- the capabilities of both United States unique collaboration is possible under an tee as the structure for the program. This
Government and U.S. fag commercial “Other Transaction Authority (OTA)”. framework remains largely intact today. ships. NSRP achieves this mission by After nearly 50 years of collaboration, providing a collaborative framework to the now-11 member shipyards and other ORGANIZATION manage, focus, develop, and share re- stakeholders continue their efforts to im- Over the last fve decades, the princi- search and development and leverage prove the shipbuilding and repair indus- pal government sponsor for NSRP has best practices in shipbuilding and ship tries’ ability to reduce total feet owner- changed several times from MARAD to repair. ship costs. various U. S. Navy sponsors. Since 1998,
Total ownership cost includes all ele- NSRP’s “home” in government has been ments of the ship lifecycle including HISTORY the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAV- the costs of design, construction, main- What became NSRP originated as a re- SEA), where the program’s government tenance and repair, technology refresh/ sult of the 1970 amendments to the Mer- funding, administration and management insertion, operation and sustainment, and chant Marine Act of 1936, which states, functions are performed. NAVSEA has a disposal. “The Secretary [of Transportation] shall dedicated NSRP Program Manager (SEA
The NSRP’s impact is primarily on collaborate with vessel owners and ship- 06N) under NAVSEA 06, the Warfghter
U. S. Navy ships, both manned and un- builders in developing plans for the eco- Capabilities and Enterprise Readiness manned, but the program is also intended nomical construction of vessels and their Directorate. The program offce coordi- to beneft the U.S. Coast Guard, National propelling machinery, of most modern nates the Navy effort in partnership with
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- economical types, giving thorough con- the industry’s NSRP Executive Control tion, Maritime Administration, Military sideration to all well-recognized means Board (ECB).
Sealift Command, Army Corps of En- of propulsion and taking into account the In 1998, the NSRP Executive Control gineers, as well as the U.S. commercial benefts from standardized production Board collaboration of the original nine shipbuilding industry. NSRP achieves where practicable and desirable.” shipyards was formally established and 26 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • June 2020