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2020 Yearbook
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u.S. ShIpbuILdINg 2020 yearbook “The National Shipbuilding Research
Program provides a unique and valuable forum for Navy and industry to collaborate, resolve broad challenges and reduce total ownership cost for Navy ships, submarines and unmanned vessels. NSRP will remain an important component as we grow the feet.”
Vice Admiral Thomas J. Moore,
Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command the ECB and NAVSEA signed a “Joint shipbuilding and repair issues. In the last • Ship Design and Materials
Funding Agreement” to manage this year alone, over 200 different organiza- Technologies unique relationship. The Joint Fund- tions participated in NSRP panel meet- Naval Architecture, Ship Specifcations, ing Agreement is an OTA, which is a ings and activities. Preliminary Design, Material Develop- streamlined contracting vehicle, which ment.
brings innovative research fndings and COOPERATION • Ship Production state-of-art prototypes from industry to The NSRP involves the major U.S. Technologies the federal government. shipbuilding and ship repair companies, Fabrication, Assembly, Outftting, Pro-
Another unique aspect of NSRP is that both public and private, as well as de- duction Facilities, Production Planning.
the program is industry-led. The ECB sign agents, universities, and govern- • Business Processes and consists of a voting member, at the se- ment agencies with an interest in ship Information Technologies nior executive level, from each of the 11 construction, overhaul, and repair. These Business Support (data exchange, ship- member shipyards. The industry ECB competing shipyards work together on yard integration), Digital Shipbuilding.
decides — with input from Navy spon- pre-competitive and enabling technolo- • Infrastructure and Support sors — on the particular research proj- gies of interest to the shipbuilding and Health and Safety, Environmental Is- ects and the overall administration of the ship repair industry as a whole within the sues, Workforce Issues (recruitment, program. A target of 50 percent of the legal constraints of anti-trust regulations. training, workers’ compensation), Over- funding for research & development and Over time, it has been demonstrated that head costs.
technology transfer activities is funded the tension between these opposing con- by industry “cost share,” in accordance ditions (cooperation and competition) NINE PANELS with OTA requirements under 10 USC contributes to rapid implementation of NSRP member shipyards and other 2371. project results, given open communi- interested industry frms work together
The Executive Control Board utilizes cation among the competing parties to through nine panels that are categorized a technology collaboration management ensure the transfer of the necessary tech- based on subject matter expertise; each company as Program Administrator, to nical information and the know-how to panel aligns with one of the Major Initia- manage the program’s day-to-day pro- facilitate implementation. tives, as shown below. The panels, which grammatic, technical, contractual, and meet individually or jointly 2-3 time a administrative responsibilities on behalf THE FOUR FOCUS AREAS: year, provide an open forum for all in- of the Board. NSRP has identifed four overarching, dustry stakeholders to share issues, best
NSRP’s 11 member shipyards partner integrally-connected Major Initiatives practices and potential solutions. Panel with other industry organizations to de- that tie the program’s mission to pro- meetings review and discuss ongoing (or velop processes and technologies for the posed industry research and are derived future) projects, and will usually include life cycle of the vessel. These partici- from the basic organizational structure of a tour of the operations facility of either pating organizations include the vendor a shipyard. Each Major Initiative group a member organization or a related in- base, nonprofts, and members of aca- has identifed technology development dustry.
demia, along with the government, for and improvement areas (sub-initiatives). Firms and individuals do not need to be 28 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • June 2020