Page 51: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 2020)
2020 Yearbook
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NAVigAtioN “Navigating the future in shipping necessarily requires the industry to navigate away from its old operational measures and into a digital realm that is developing fast, and is fast developing the maritime sector”
Tor Svanes, founder & CEO, NAVTOR age with accuracy and knowledge of the discharge and underwater hull cleaning. regulatory updates NAVTOR MD Tor weather conditions and the different regu- Failure to meet these complex regu- Svanes believes that the most pressing latory regimes it will be sailing into. lations can be costly with severe fnes, issue for the service provider here is to
A signifcant example is the latest of- particularly in the EU and US waters, make certain that all the information is fering from the International Maritime the need for clarity is real. NAVTOR’s correct and is up to date.
Organization (IMO) which introduced the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Gaute Fossmark, the environmental of-
IMO 2020 sulfur cap on January 1, 2020. that it signed with Total Marine Solutions fcer at NAVTOR, believes that this is a
Following the sulphur regulation there (TMS) offers owners and operators the crucial issue for the combined systems. will be a regulation on the carriage of kind of clarity that is needed to avoid fall- “Using data supplied by TMS the updat-
HFO, ballast regulations will be in place ing foul of regulatory authorities. ing of changes to regulations is fully auto- and a raft of decarbonization measures ex- Complex regulations often require ad- matic, so that the customer does not need pected in the near future. vanced and costly mitigation technologies to worry about updates to the software,
Other more regional regulations, such such as ballast water treatment systems they see no updates,” he said.
as the discussions over a new Mediter- or scrubbers, or even just low sulfur fuel TMS’s technical department makes cer- ranean emissions control area (ECA), where crew will need to test blends, make tain that all data is harvested and updates which have started the process for an all sure that tanks are cleaned and that the its systems on a bi-weekly basis, while
Mediterranean agreement to match those switch to a more expensive fuel is safe. NAVTOR updates its electronic naviga- in the Baltic and the US, and it is these re- As the regulations change masters need tion chart (ENC) every week.
gional rules that make the regulatory map to know which rules apply in each region Fossmark believes that the regulatory complex for vessel operators. and what mitigating actions need to be regime is becoming increasingly complex
In addition to the international and re- implemented to make certain that the ves- with new rules applied at ports, “regional gional rules there are an increasing num- sel that they are operating remains com- and port regulations are the hardest to get ber of port rules, these regulations are pliant in all jurisdictions. hold of,” according to Fossmark, with very localized and can vary widely, mean- TMS launched its Ocean Guardian soft- special rules applied by some ports for ing masters have a tough time knowing ware in 2017 and it is designed to offer items such as waste management.
which regulations apply at the various advice to crew and simplify the regulatory These changes offer substantial cultural destinations to which they are travelling, requirements as the ship heads into new and work-related changes for crew, but the with a number of ports called on any par- regional jurisdictions, pertaining to port biggest change so far has been the switch ticular voyage. restrictions as well as mandatory rules on to ECDIS from paper charts. The next
It is important for masters to be aware emissions and ballast water, so that the move will be an upgrade to the systems of local regulations. For example Port Ev- crew are prepared for what lies ahead. expected in 2024 which will see higher erglades in the US prohibits the discharge Alexandra Anagnostis-Irons, President defnition charts and better software.
of ballast water, including the discharge of TMS, said, “This kind of collaboration “Navigating the future in shipping nec- of treated ballast water within the port. – with expert partners leveraging each essarily requires the industry to navigate
Whereas in Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab other’s skills and technology – is the way away from its old operational measures
Emirates, above the water line hull clean- forward for an increasingly demanding and into a digital realm that is developing ing and painting is prohibited as is boiler maritime industry.” fast, and is fast developing the maritime and economizer blow down, grey water In offering an e-navigation system with sector,” concluded Svanes.
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