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At Hyde Marine, the soul of our
MARITIME company is in every ballast water
REPORTER treatment system we make.
Learn more about what Hyde
M A R I N E l I N K . C o M
Marine puts into manufacturing
No. 6 Vol. 82 the highest quality ballast water
Abraham Belknap
Bryant treatment systems in the world.
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News (ISSN # 0025-3448) is published monthly (twelve issues) by Maritime Activity Reports,
Inc., 118 East 25th St., New York, NY 10010-1062. Periodicals Postage Paid at
New York, NY and additional mailing offces.
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Calhoun Carpenter Corrigan Candito
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INSIDE THAT COUNTS. tions to Maritime Reporter, 850 Montauk
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The publisher assumes no responsibility for any misprints or claims or actions taken by advertisers. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising. Contents of the publication either in whole or part may not be produced without the express permission of the publisher.
Copyright © 2020 Maritime Activity Day Plevrakis Saunders
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Rest of the World: one full year (12 issues) $189.00; two years $228.00 (24 issues) including postage and handling.
Svanes van Hemmen Watkins
Abraham Carpenter Saunders
Ben Abraham is Head of Marine at Willis Jennifer Carpenter is President & CEO Brendan Saunders is a Technical Direc-
Towers Watson. of The American Waterways Operators,. tor and Maritime Lead of the Transport
Email: [email protected]
Assurance Practice at NCC Group.
Web: www.marinelink.com
Belknap Corrigan t: (212) 477-6700
Tom Belknap is a Partner in the New Mike Corrigan is CEO of Interferry, the Svanes f: (212) 254-6271
York offce of Blank Rome LLP. global voice for the ferry industry with Tor Svanes, the founder and CEO of regulatory agencies and in matters of NAVTOR.
Bryant safety and operational best practices.
Dennis Bryant is with Bryant’s Maritime van Hemmen
Consulting, and a regular contributor to Day Rik van Hemmen is the President of
Maritime Reporter & Engineering News. Robert Day is the Head of Offshore at Martin & Ottaway, a marine consulting
VesselsValue, responsible for over- frm that specializes in the resolution
Buzby seeing the analytical and commercial of technical, operational and fnancial
Rear Adm. Mark H. Buzby is MarAd’s strategy of VV’s Offshore product. issues in maritime.
Maritime Administrator.
Goldberg Watkins
Calhoun Murray Goldberg is CEO of Ma- Olivia Watkins is Head Cargo Analyst at
Deb Calhoun, Interim President/CEO, rine Learning Systems, maker of VesselsValue. She oversees the Cargo
Business Publications Audit
Waterways Council, Inc. MarineLMS. valuation department. of Circulation, Inc.
Candito Plevrakis Wilgus
Steve Candito is CEO of Ecochlor. Georgios Plevrakis is the Director of Lauren Wilgus is a Partner in Blank
Global Sustainability for ABS. Rome LLP’s New York offce. +1.724.218.7001 I www.hydemarine.com 4 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • June 2020