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Leadership Training leadership training. What I came to realize and read over and ing leadership training to both practical exercises and academic over again is that although there may be people with innate peo- theory is important to develop in students the knowledge of ple skills that make it easier for them to lead, leadership can be when to lead and when to follow according to Dr. Ballard.

taught. But furthermore, the concept of leadership training and Training does not stop in school though. Captain Ryan Leo, development is an underdeveloped feld, with few schools offer- an actively sailing master, discussed with me the need for se- ing courses in leadership. Management yes, but leadership no. nior shipboard management to instill confdence in junior of-

So that begs the question. What is the difference between fcers to help them develop. Not only by providing them with

Leadership and Management? According to a Forbes article the opportunity to lead on board, but by development of com- published in November 2016 “Leaders create a vision, manag- munication skills. One of the most effective leadership skills, ers set a goal.” This is quite a fundamental difference that does according to Captain Leo, is the ability to hold direct and hon- not appear to be taken into account with the STCW courses, est conversations. As discussed by the NTSB in the investiga- since predominantly they are marketed as “Leadership and tion report on the El Faro, the 2nd and 3rd mates should have

Managerial Skills.” been more forceful with the captain. But in reality, is that going

I reached out to Col. Patrick Keane, USMC (Ret.), who is the to be the case on board most ships? Not always. Anyone who director of Leadership Training at the U.S. Merchant Marine has sailed for that ornery, old sea captain can attest that open

Academy, as well as to Dr. John Ballard, (also USMC (Ret.), communication is not always easy. But directness is essential, the Provost and Dean at USMMA. What is apparent after even when unwanted. Junior offcers should know when to re- speaking with them for only a few minutes is that the Marine spectfully question and voice their thoughts to a senior offcer.

Corps focusses in on leadership development very early on in A commonality throughout the industry is the responsibility every Marine’s career. This is accomplished in a straightfor- of any crew member to halt an operation if they spot or seri- ward path of allowing subordinates to take on demanding lead- ously suspect that there is an immediate danger to health. For ership roles with the supervision of a seniors to provide feed- those of us who sailed, we have all experienced the moment in back. On the face of it, this may sound simple. However, this our careers where we had to stop an operation to move person- method requires important ideological buy in from both ends nel to safe positions or stop an operation before a fre broke out. of the spectrum, validating and valuing the worth of this train- These are special circumstances. ing. This concept is not new to the Maritime schools, which all As leadership is discussed, so must the focus on managerial have a regimental training system. But importing the USMC skills be emphasized. The STCW code lays out a great founda- system to the Maritime Academies would allow for a deeper tion for training on board managers who have the ability to evaluation of each students’ leadership potential and develop- conduct daily operations on board. Once again however, these ment. There is some recommended reading by Col. Keane to skills will atrophy by the time a junior offcer reaches man- accompany the training: agement level, unless time is invested during their formation ¦ Leaders Eat Last - Simon Sinek. Great lessons of leader- period. Allowing junior offcers to take on tasks directing unli- ship from the Marine Corps in particular and how they can be censed is not unprecedented, just underutilized. Management applied to business or other endeavors where the organization training is a discussion for another month.

wants to optimize leadership. Shore side leadership should work closely with senior ship- ¦ Make Your Bed - Admiral McRaven. Leadership, honor- board leadership to ascertain junior offcers with long term po- able and ethical behavior and how he’s applied what he learned tential within a company and provide them with ample growth in his career to everyday life. opportunity as well as with encouragement. One example pro- ¦ Team of Teams. GEN McChrystal talks about moving vided by Captain Leo was a junior engineer who reported to from effciency to adaptability and how it applies to all organi- him a chief engineer who was preparing to bypass the Oily zations, not just the military Water Separator and dump oil over the side. The actions of the ¦ Gates of Fire. Steven Pressfeld. Fiction, but a great read third engineer save the ship and the company from a horrible about honor, ethics and leadership using the events surrounding pollution violation and what could have been a huge fne. The the battle of Thermopylae engineer was rewarded with a trip to the home offce, a nice

Seminars on leadership as well as assigned readings expose dinner, and other perks. This type of incentivization should not the students to concepts such as Servant Leadership. The style be limited to extraordinary cases. Many companies provide the of Servant Leadership is based upon senior leaders mentoring Master a discretionary fund for crew awards, etc. The use of and guiding their juniors in growth and leadership potential, all which should be encouraged to help develop potential lead- the while maintaining a positive yet realistic demeanor. ers. Leadership training is the career development experienced

While having leadership opportunities is important, just as from junior offcer through senior offcer up the executive lad- important is the ability of someone to follow their leader and der. The instilled confdence may help prevent future disasters.

know how to execute appropriate orders with trust. Apportion- 21

Maritime Reporter

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