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The Shipyard Edition

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M A R I N E L I N K . C O M



No. 8 Vol. 82

Bryant Goldberg



Maritime Reporter/Engineering News (ISSN # 0025-3448) is published monthly (twelve issues) by Maritime Activity Reports,

Inc., 118 East 25th St., New York, NY 10010-1062. Periodicals Postage Paid at

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Kunkel Loeser

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Parker tions to Maritime Reporter, 850 Montauk

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Copyright © 2020 Maritime Activity van Hemmen

Paschoa Stoichevski

Reports, Inc.


Bryant Loeser

In U.S.:

Dennis Bryant is with Bryant’s Maritime Dave Loeser is Senior Director of Paschoa

One full year (12 issues) $110.00;

Two years (24 issues) $190.00

Consulting, and a regular contributor to Product Strategy for Accuity. He has Claudio Paschoa is Maritime Reporter

Maritime Reporter & Engineering News. guided the success of the Firco portfolio & Engineering News’ correspondent in

Rest of the World: of ? nancial crime screening solutions Brazil. He also writes for sister publica-

One full year (12 issues) $189.00;

Ewing for more than a decade and is currently tions Offshore Engineer and Marine two years $228.00 (24 issues) including postage and handling.

Tom Ewing specializrd in energy and en- focused on cross-product strategic Technology Reporter.

vironmental topics. initiatives.


Goldberg Mulligan William Stoichevski began working for


Murray Goldberg is CEO of Ma- Tom Mulligan was born in London the Associated Press in Oslo. In 2003, rine Learning Systems, maker of in 1958 and grew up in Manchester, he left the AP to oversee and write for

Email: [email protected]

MarineLMS. England. He graduated Trinity College a number of print and electronic energy


Dublin in 1979 with a BA Hons De- industry publications in the Norwegian t: (212) 477-6700 f: (212) 254-6271

Kinsey gree in Natural Sciences (Chemistry). capital. He has written thousands of

Captain Andrew Kinsey is Senior Ma- Following a period as a production offshore-focused reports from his North rine Risk Consultant at Allianz Global chemist in an electronic circuit board Sea vantage point. Hard-to-match

Corporate & Specialty. manufacturing company, he returned access has granted him interviews to the University of Limerick in 1986 with hundreds of industry captains and

Kunkel where he obtained a Masters Degree policy makers across the globe. William

Robert Kunkel, President of Alternative in Industrial Chemistry in 1988. Today, lives and works in Oslo. He started writ-

Marine Technologies, is currently serv- based in Ireland, he serves as Maritime ing for Maritime Reporter in 2014.

Member ing as the technical advisor to Coastal Reporter & Engineering News’ science

Connect, a U.S. company actively de- and technology writer.

veloping LNG propulsion as a maritime van Hemmen component of short sea shipping. He is Parker Rik van Hemmen is the President of a past VP of the Connecticut Maritime Barry Parker, bdp1 Consulting Ltd Martin & Ottaway, a marine consulting

Association, Past Chairman of the provides strategic and tactical support, ? rm that specializes in the resolution

Business Publications Audit

Federal Short Sea Shipping Coopera- including analytics and communica- of technical, operational and ? nancial of Circulation, Inc.

tive Program and a member of the ABS tions, to businesses across the mari- issues in maritime.

Special Committee on Ship Operations. time spectrum. 4 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • August 2020

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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.