Page 27: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 2020)
Shipping & Port Annual
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“AAPA strongly supports both the THUD funding and MTSERA authorization bills and is concurrently urging Congress to provide a modest $1.5 billion in direct grants to help ports cover operations, equipment, and infrastructure costs, and debt service expenses.” – Christopher J. Connor, President and
CEO, American Association of Port
Authorities (AAPA)
Photo: AAPA sent a 5.4 percent increase over AAPA’s 2016 survey in which tee Security Subcommittee Chairman Dan Sullivan (R-AK) on
U.S. public ports and their private-sector partners planned July 30 introduced an identical companion bill to help America’s spending $154.8 billion on port capital projects through the end ports weather the coronavirus pandemic and future disasters. of 2020. However, because the survey was conducted prior to Recognizing that ports are facing signi? cant cargo and pas- the COVID-19 contagion, ports are now concerned that many senger declines this year, in addition to added costs for cleaning, of their planned investments will be delayed or signi? cantly sanitation, PPE and related supplies, the MTSERA authoriza- downsized without assistance from federal, state and local tion bills seek to establish a program to provide dedicated mari- government entities in the form of grants, loans, guarantees time assistance and emergency relief grant funds for emergency and other forms of relief. These are typical ways that govern- response, cleaning and sanitization, staf? ng, workforce reten- ments attract local public and private-sector equity investment tion and paid leave, procurement and use of personal protective to jump-start infrastructure development. equipment, debt service payments and for infrastructure repair.
An April 2020 report prepared for the U.S. Committee on AAPA strongly supports both the THUD funding and MT- the Marine Transportation System shows that increasing SERA authorization bills and is concurrently urging Congress port-related transportation infrastructure investments above a to provide a modest $1.5 billion in direct grants to help ports “business-as-usual” scenario will help the nation recover from cover operations, equipment and infrastructure costs, and debt a long pattern of infrastructure underspending. It notes that service expenses. Every day, America’s seaports are deliver- greater infrastructure investments will enable higher growth, ing critical goods and materials to the front line of the CO- improved trade performance, expanded employment opportu- VID-19 battlegrounds. Essential port workers, who aren’t able nities and enhanced value of household incomes. to work remotely, are also ensuring consumer goods get to the
Some members of Congress are aware and have begun to act doorsteps of countless millions of Americans who are safely on the plight of our ports. On July 7, the House Appropriations working from home.
Committee released its draft FY2021 Transportation-Housing Policymakers must ensure our nation’s seaports aren’t over- and Urban Development (THUD) funding bill. That legislation looked while funding other critical transportation needs, such includes an additional $1 billion next year for the USDOT Mari- as those of airports, passenger rail and transit systems. time Administration’s Port Infrastructure Development Program The relief our seaports seek isn’t about replacing lost car- to invest in our nation’s ports and spur the national economy. rier, cargo and cruise passenger revenue. It’s about ensur-
To provide near-term pandemic relief for the marine sector, ing they’re able to keep pace with the accelerating costs of
Congressmen Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and Sean Patrick Maloney protecting their workers while keeping their workforce em- (D-NY) introduced the Maritime Transportation System Emer- ployed, making timely bond and debt instrument payments, gency Relief Act (MTSERA) in the U.S. House on July 9, while and maintaining a state of readiness so ports can signi? cantly
Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Senate Commerce Commit- aid in the nation’s eventual economic recovery.
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