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Shipping & Port Annual
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Profile | Port Milwaukee 2020 SHIPPING & PORT ANNUAL
Port Milwaukee
Drives Growth
Port Milwaukee
By Greg Trauthwein nown historically as a salt port, Port Milwaukee has
The Year in Review worked and invested to modernize its infrastructure
According to Tindall-Schlicht, 2019 was the best year for while diversifying its commodity mix to prepare the Port Milwaukee in a decade, with “overall tonnage handled up
Kport for coming generations. Adam Tindall-Schli- 24% at port facilities and up 11% across Milwaukee Harbor in cht, Director, Port Milwaukee, discusses the pace of change.
2019.” This was driven by a number of factors, from strength
Tindall-Schlicht returned in 2018 to serve as the Director of in its traditional salt commodity business, which was up 56%
Port Milwaukee, overseeing a Great Lakes port which encom- over 2018 and powered by increased business from interna- passes 470 acres, employs 1,300 and offers 24/7/365 service tional shippers. Strength was also evident in its cement and to a growing list of domestic and international shippers, de- limestone business, and – despite a number of global tariffs – livering more than $100 million economic impact punch to a strong business importing European steel. In addition, with the region. Historically known as a salt port courtesy of the its partner U.S. Venture/U.S. Oil the port has invested millions ? erce Wisconsin winters, Tindall-Schlicht has been steadfast in its liquid bulk terminal facilities. Other investments include in his mission to diversify the commodity and customer base a $4 million to fully refurbish 15 miles of railroad track and of the port. “When I looked at a lot of our capital assets and crossings, funded by the state and a key intermodal attrac- infrastructure, some were decades old.” tion for shippers as Port Milwaukee’s rail link connects both
Like any port in any region, this means continued invest- the Canadian Paci? c and the Union Paci? c rail lines. The rail ment in capital assets and infrastructure as an ongoing pro- project is expected to be completed in July 2021.
cess, and according to Tindall-Schlicht “the port is moving
While Tindall-Schlicht was loathe to trumpet one invest- forward on our Capital Assets Renewal Plan (CARP), which ment as more important than the others, he said that a $31m will be the plan, the process and the strategic funding road investment in an agriculture export facility, an investment that map for the port, our tenants, our operators and our customers includes federal, state, port and private investment from the to modernize our facilities for its continued growth over the DeLong Company, will resonate for generations and is “the next generation.” largest single investment in the port since the 1960s.” 42 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • October 2020
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