Page 53: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 2020)
Shipping & Port Annual
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MOORING LINES hibition. “When we heard about how ing a regular vessel, according to Djurre they are better able to absorb the energy
Mercy Ships is changing lives among Jan Schutte. “Even though the four-line and tension-tension fatigue experienced the world’s poorest, we felt the least we mooring arrangement for the Africa by mooring lines as they tension and could do was to donate some mooring Mercy has been changed for a more op- slacken with the tide and wind, than ny- lines to the cause,” said Mark Pieter timal mooring alongside the quay. The lon mooring lines. Euro? ex is also one
Frölich, Commercial Director for Lank- vessel was never designed to be moored of the few mooring lines to have been horst Ropes USA & Phillystran. “These side-on.” fully tested to the latest OCIMF’s Moor- high-performance mooring ropes will As part of its train ferry legacy, the Af- ing Equipment Guidelines (MEG4). Al- keep the Africa Mercy secured during rica Mercy uses capstans for the moor- though MEG4 applies primarily to oil their good work in West Africa.” ing lines rather than winches, the train and gas tankers, the guideline’s underly-
Secure mooring is important. “African ferry was originally moored with steel ing principles of safety during mooring ports present many port and weather wire topes. The mooring lines are tight- apply to all vessels, and probably more challenges. The blazing African sun, in ened with the capstans and secured us- so to mooring the Africa Mercy.
particular, causes ropes to deteriorate ing deck bitts. As well as ease of handling and high quickly,” said Ciaran Holden, Marine strength, Euro? ex has excellent abrasion
Operations Technical Director for Mer- Mooring Challenges resistance, which makes them ideal for cy Ships. “The stability of the vessel for Mooring is a big challenge. As the ves- mooring in Madagascar, for example, surgical procedures and the comfort of sel has to be securely moored to prevent where there is considerable water move- our patients and crew is crucial for us to excessive movement during surgical op- ment which can cause a lot of cha? ng bring safe and successful medical care erations, the Africa Mercy is moored as and wear on mooring lines. The Euro- to people from nations like Senegal, tightly as possible during high tide, this ? ex mooring lines were installed during
Guinea, Cameroon, Benin and Mada- means the load on the mooring line in- the hospital ship’s recent annual main- gascar.” creases signi? cantly during low tide as tenance in Tenerife, part of the Canary the lines are stretched. “Mooring tightly Islands. Even here the mooring lines are
Well-equipped Hospital Ship at high tide and then letting the moor- exposed to signi? cant loads arising from
Formerly a Danish rail ferry, before an ing lines slacken during low tide simply strong winds, typically wind force 5 but extensive re? t, the Africa Mercy con- isn’t an option if we want to avoid ex- gusting up to wind force 8, as the Africa tains ? ve operating rooms, a four-bed cessive movement of the vessel,” says Mercy prepared for its next voyage.
recovery area, intensive care for up to Djurre Jan Schutte. The mooring lines “We are pleased to support the valu- ? ve patients, and 80 ward beds. It car- are regularly checked and retightened able work of Mercy Ships as part of one ries about 400 volunteer crew members when needed with the changing of the of the Phillystran and Lankhorst Ropes’ from up to 50 nations. Each year, over tides. To protect the mooring lines from initiatives to contribute to the creation 2,000 free, life-changing surgeries are the UV effects of the sun we cover the of a better world. During these dif? cult performed in the operating theatres on- reels and lines on board the vessel.” times, their services are needed more board. Mooring the Africa Mercy safely Djurre Jan Schutte welcomes the new than ever,” said Mark Pieter Frölich, and securely in a sub-Saharan African Euro? ex mooring lines. Made of polyes- Commercial Director for Lankhorst port is no small feat compared to moor- ter and polypropylene composite yarns, Ropes USA & Phillystran.
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