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Tech Files
Innovative products, technologies and concepts
Sealing Metal Pipe Penetrations Without Weld
By William Hoffman, Pipe Sealing Specialist, Roxtec
Welding in general, is a costly, time- (less than 3mm) metal pipes such as quality steel pipe at every deck or bulk- consuming and labor-intensive process stainless steel, copper, CuNi and even head penetration.
that is the accepted normal practice titanium, welding requirements and when managing and installing metal the levels of technical skill required to Hot work permits pipe penetrations onboard marine ves- weld and manage these pipe penetra- During a retro? t or repair project, the sels and offshore platforms. However, tions have also grown. logistics, manpower level and practi- developments in tested and approved The high costs associated with these cal steps required to obtain, monitor pipe penetration seals are making the increasing levels of welding can be and implement a hot work permit are accepted normal practice of welding completely erased by a change in signi? cant. By limiting or remov- everything in sight, a thing of the past. process, and a change in thinking about ing the need for any hot work, simple how to manage metal pipe penetrations. time management cost savings which
Heavy-duty pipe systems The traditional methods of transition- contribute to the project being delivered
Historically, for thick walled metal ing to bulkhead unions, steel pipes on time, should be enough to justify a pipe there has been the process of weld- via ? ange or coupling connections or switch from traditional welding solu- ing it directly to the structure on both through sleeves or coamings, are gradu- tions. Other savings are also generated, sides of the deck or bulkhead or utiliz- ally being replaced within the industry such as installation time, labor rates and ing a heavy and thicker walled penetra- by alternative solutions that do not re- other associated costs.
tion piece that may either be purchased quire any welding at all. Zero welding or self-fabricated. for these dissimilar metal pipe installa- Bene? ts with non-weld solutions
Both these systems require a sig- tions is a signi? cant bene? t in its own • Faster installation time ni? cant amount of welding with either right however, additional bene? ts also • Only requires access to one side of two or possibly four different welding exist by not transitioning to steel pipe the deck or bulkhead joints. However, options are now avail- at each penetration. • Integrity of pipe material of choice able which can signi? cantly reduce and Bene? ts such as not compromising is maintained throughout the com- even eliminate the need for any welded the integrity, quality and performance plete length of the pipe system joints when passing metal pipe through of the pipe system by changing from • Reduced requirements for hot work any ? re rated deck or bulkhead. your chosen, technically superior thin permits
With the growth in use of thin walled walled metal pipe of choice, to a low
To learn more, visit: www.roxtec.com/en/in-focus/metal-pipe-penetration-seals/roxtec-spm-seal/ 56 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • October 2020
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