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Page 15: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 2021)
The Shipyard Annual
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maritime claims and regardless of current events.” lows, as USS Benfold did here. Nothing PRC says otherwise
The Peoples Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) claimed they will deter us.” “chased away” the Benfold. According to Tian Junli, a spokes- A U.S. Navy press statement said that the PLAN statement man for the Southern Theatre Command of the People’s Lib- was just “the latest in a long string of PRC actions to misrep- eration Army (PLA), “The US military’s actions seriously resent lawful U.S. maritime operations and assert its excessive violated China’s sovereignty and security, seriously damaged and illegitimate maritime claims at the expense of its Southeast the peace and stability of the South China Sea and seriously Asian neighbors in the South China Sea. The PRC’s behavior violated international law and the norms of international re- stands in contrast to the United States’ adherence to internation- lations – more ironclad proof it is engaging in navigational al law and our vision for a free and open Indo-Paci? c region. hegemony to cause the militarization of the South China Sea. All nations, large and small, should be secure in their sover-
We strongly condemn and resolutely oppose this, and we urge eignty, free from coercion, and able to pursue economic growth the US side to immediately stop their provocative actions and consistent with accepted international rules and norms.” to strictly control their maritime and air activities. Otherwise, Furthermore, the Navy statement said, international law the US side will need to bear all consequences that arise from does not permit continental States, like China, to establish this.” baselines around entire dispersed island groups. “With these
The U.S. Navy said the PRC’s statement about Benfold’s baselines, China has attempted to claim more internal waters, mission was incorrect. “USS Benfold conducted this FONOP territorial sea, exclusive economic zone, and continental shelf in accordance with international law and then continued on to than it is entitled to under international law. By conducting conduct normal operations in international waters. The opera- this operation, the United States demonstrated that these wa- tion re? ects our commitment to uphold freedom of navigation ters are beyond what China can lawfully claim as its territo- and lawful uses of the sea as a principle. The United States will rial sea, and that China’s claimed straight baselines around the continue to ? y, sail, and operate wherever international law al- Paracel Islands are inconsistent with international law.” www.marinelink.com 15
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