Page 11: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 2021)
The Marine Design Edition
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Where problems are identi? ed, consider
The Author convening a balanced focus group to hear experiences and suggestions ? rst-
Goldberg hand. Not only will this yield additional,
Murray Goldberg is CEO of Marine Learning Systems which actionable data, but it will also demon- provides software and services to optimize knowledge, skills strate your organization’s commitment and behavior in maritime operators. [email protected] to training improvement and excellence.
Second, as the pandemic eases and in- person training returns as an option, con- sider using the on-line training you’ve developed to create a blended learning experience. Blended learning in this con- text refers to combining on-line training with in-person training.
There is a vast body of evidence to show that while in-person training and on-line learning produce roughly equal outcomes, blended training produces outcomes that are superior to either of those. The hardest part of creating a blended learning experience is develop- ing the on-line learning materials - which the pandemic has already forced us to do.
Therefore, many organizations are now in an outstanding position to move to blended learning. How can this be done?
There are many ways to blend on-line and face-to-face training, but one of the most effective is called the “? ipped class- room”. In this model, learners will ? rst go on-line to work through a portion of the learning materials for a course. Then, they will meet in class with an instructor to discuss the materials, ask questions, consider examples, and generally ensure that the material is internalized and well understood.
These in-person meetings are highly effective because the learners come pre- equipped with an initial understanding of the material, and the instructor can be used as an expert resource to clarify details and solidify the knowledge. This also frees the instructor from having to lecture to the learners and instead uses them to their highest advantage as ex- perts.
There is more to discuss on the topic of blended learning, and I will undertake to do so in an upcoming Training Tips for
Until then, keep well and sail safely!
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