Page 16: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 2021)
The Marine Design Edition
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The Path to Zero
Keeping your fleet and our seas safer and greener
Performance Intelligence:
The Key to Decarbonizing Maritime
By Herve Lours, Vice President, Marine, AVEVA ver the last year, climate shifting operations to support net zero such as cloud, sensors, AI, and data ana- change – or more appropri- targets. From 2019 to 2020, the number lytics monitoring. ately climate action – has of companies and governments setting As a leader in industrial software,
Oemerged as the critical is- net zero targets doubled and alliances AVEVA has worked with maritime and sue impacting the future of global in- like the UN’s Race to Zero campaign – other industry leaders to understand and dustries. Companies are under pressure the largest ever initiative of its kind – develop digital solutions to help drive to outline plans to transition to a more are further spurring action. sustainability across some of the most sustainable way of doing business – and Commitments and partnership, while complex and carbon-intensive sectors, the shipping and maritime communities an important factor in moving the nee- including marine. are no exception. Transportation emis- dle, are only part of the equation. The By connecting the power of informa- sions – which typically include road, hard work comes with shifting decades- tion and AI with human insight, the lat- rail, air and marine – are responsible for long operations and processes. A chal- est solutions enable the marine sector to an estimated 24% of the world’s carbon lenge, to say the least, but one that more effectively execute projects, provid- emissions. Transport-related pollution can be streamlined and made ef? cient ing industry-tuned features to connect the is expected to grow at a faster rate than through digital solutions. business-critical processes of engineer- any other sector, putting climate targets ing, design, materials, planning and con- into question. While marine accounts Accelerating Sustainability Through struction. What’s more, such technology for only a small share of those contribu- Digital Transformation can turn operational data into insights for tions – about 3% – projections suggest Realizing the sustainable industries downtime analysis, monitor schedules, it could increase to 17% by 2050. Ship- of the future starts with accelerating the digitise maintenance procedures and ef- ping has a colossal role to play in corpo- adoption of proven technologies today. ? ciently manage asset performance. rate supply chains and enabling compa- Advancing a sustainable agenda across Such software solutions are already nies to meet their own net zero targets. an entire industry has its challenges, but helping to deliver 15–30 percent sav-
Sustainability is not new to shipping. existing technology offers scalable and ings in energy costs and reduce carbon
In fact, The International Maritime Or- ef? cient ways to show real progress. emissions by 9-15 percent, while cut- ganization (IMO) has indicated its full Technology for new shipping vessels ting downtime by 25 percent. The goal support for implementing the United is rapidly changing as companies con- is to help optimize production, increase
Nations Sustainable Development Goals solidate, regulations become more rig- energy ef? ciency, reduce waste, boost and created an initial emissions strategy orous, and shipyards globally face new circularity, and maximize sustainable in 2018 aimed at reducing emissions challenges. Today it’s possible for ship performance.
from shipping by 50 percent compared makers and marine companies to pow- to 2008 levels by 2050. erfully optimise the end-to-end journey Shipyards and Shipbuilding: Where
Companies, including AVEVA, have from vessel development to seaborne Technology and Productivity Meet already started aligning efforts and operations by leveraging technology, Shipbuilding excellence is heavily 16 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • September 2021
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