Page 31: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 2021)
The Marine Design Edition
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SHIP DESIGN CLASSIFICATION “When it comes to alternative fuels, I’m a big fan of the French philosopher, Voltaire: ‘Let’s not make perfect the enemy of good.’ Maybe, we don’t have the perfect solution, but it’s certainly important to start moving in the right direction” in the end.” Ørbeck-Nilssen said DNV carbon footprint analysis. “DNV, via ic) is the use of remote surveys,” said has been running joint industry proj- the Veracity platform, is working on Ørbeck-Nilssen. “We (DNV) were in a ects for decades, including the Singa- what we call the Emission Insights,” very fortunate situation because we al- pore Decarbonization Center that was said Ørbeck-Nilssen. “This is a digital ready launched the concept of remote recently formed together with several tool available to our customers, and use surveys back in 2018, well ahead of the other key players in the Far East, as of this (and other tools on the Veracity pandemic. And then, naturally when the well as the Maritime Technologies Fo- platform) makes a lot of sense when it pandemic hit, we were able to really rum, where a number of class societies comes to compliance on the regulatory leverage this.” Regardless of the tech- and ? ag states come together to work side when it comes to emissions.” nical challenge ahead, Ørbeck-Nilssen on R&D and safety-related issues. From the side of class, the digitaliza- advises that collaboration is the key. In tion trend is taking many shapes, par- Norwegian, we call this Dugnad. That
Digitalization ticularly in the ability to conduct remote means everyone is coming together to
The digitalization of maritime is an- surveys when in-person is impractical work on something for the common other of Ørbeck-Nilssen’s so dubbed or impossible. “Maybe the most pre- good. I think that should be at the senti- ‘tectonic shifts’ sweeping through the dominant change (from the pandem- ment.” industry, and akin to the trends of decar- bonization and autonomy, there is little consensus regarding ‘how far, how fast.’ “(Implementation) is varied,” said
Ørbeck-Nilssen. “There are owners out ???????????????
there that are very advanced, using re- ???????????????
mote operation centers, making sense ???????????????
of all the data from the vessels, and put- ting algorithms on the data to discover de? ciencies and make forecasts. Then, on the other end of the scale, we have (281šA??-??í?ΟEå±uåu-guoup.cNj some owners that probably don’t even have a PC in their of? ce.” But he warns that the decarbonization and digitali-
Our Core Purpose... is to Create.
zation trends cannot be looked at in a vacuum, as regulations will mandate the need to, for example, gather in- formation about emissions, bringing decarbonization and digitalization into ???????????????
the same conversation. While much of ???????????????
the focus and attention lands with regu- lators, there is a long and growing list of stakeholders – from banks, to ports, to shippers to manufacturers – that will require increased amounts of data and (401š?A?-c?OíÎbuGŸtolE±uboucuoup.coj analytics to use to factor into their own www.marinelink.com 31
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