Page 65: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 2021)
The Workboat Edition
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Hybrid Power for CTV
MHO-Co’s two new crew transfer vessels (CTVs) – MHO Asgard and
MHO Apollo – have been put through their paces, travelling 12,000 nautical miles on delivery from China’s AFAI
Prime Mover Controls is a world leading manufacturer of Marine Propulsion Controls and
Southern Shipyard to Denmark, literally
Integrated Machinery Alarm and Control Systems. Our products also include Engine Order a voyage of discovery for both Volvo
Telegraphs, Navigation Light Control Panels, and a variety of Marine Instruments. We have
Penta and Danfoss Editron, collabora- been designing and manufacturing high quality marine systems since 1968. Our proven and tors on the vessel’s hybrid power sys- reliable products can be found in service on all types of vessels in challenging conditions tem. The 34.4 x 11m CTVs will be run throughout the world.
by operator MHO-Co and service the
Prime Mover Controls Inc.
Hornsea Project 2 offshore wind farm in
Vancouver, Canada the North Sea. The vessels’ power sys-
Tel: 604.433.4644 tem is a fully integrated solution made
Email: [email protected] up of a Danfoss Editron electric drive-
Web: train supported by Volvo Penta variable speed gensets that drive two of the ? rst
Electric Volvo Penta Inboard Perfor- mance System (IPS) units (pictured be-
Emergency Release for Ship-to-Ship Tranfer Ops low), as well as two D13 Volvo Penta
Unexpected mooring breakouts have SafeSTS, working in co-operation
IPS units. The new IPS units have al- always been the biggest risk during off- with Gall Thomson, launched the Pro- ready achieved 1,000 hours of operation shore STS operations. In the oil Ship- tective Transfer System (PTX). Utiliz- before even reaching the customer.
Danfoss Editron and Volvo Penta to-Ship Transfer Industry the cargo ing the ? ip-? ap marine breakaway cou- transfer operations are carried out with pling technology proven within other treated the journey from China to Den- no passive or active protection installed. Gall Thomson products for more than mark as a pilot project and a time to work
Improvements to the systems have seen two decades, the PTX is designed to with the captains and crew to tweak the the use of Camlock ? ttings that allow provide rapid, safe, on-demand release technology onboard and make it as reli- a much quicker manual disconnection; within the marine hose transfer system.
able and ef? cient as possible for the cus- tomer. The companies were able to test however, the problem remains that in an An ultra-compact system which in- different power combinations, such as emergency the quick disconnection of a cludes its own HPU and transport and diesel-electric operation or diesel-only. hose ? lled with oil and blanking it off reset skid, the PTX is located directly
In Dynamic Positioning System mode for passing back to the other vessel, or over the vessel’s manifold drip tray, fuel consumption is below 20 liters/hr. dropping it in the water, is at times sim- minimizing the risk of spills and provid- ply not possible. ing leak-tight shut off following closure.
and can be as low as 17 liters/hr.
The Electric Volvo
Penta Inboard
System (IPS) unit.
Image courtesy of Gall Thomson Image courtesy Volvo Penta 65
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