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USCG Fleet Modernization Annual
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Government Update
Blue Economy Opportunities for U.S. Exporters in India he growing demand for marine technologies is gen- mental (HSE) standards have been adopted by many coun- erating new export possibilities for U.S. companies. tries’ maritime sectors. In an effort to align with these stan-
To help American businesses pursue these opportu- dards, eight areas have been identi? ed to improve the safety
Tnities, the Department of Commerce’s International and sustainability in India’s ports and maritime bodies. Green
Trade Administration (ITA) is hosting Discover Global Mar- tech opportunities include renewable energy, air quality im- kets: The Blue Economy, in Providence, Rhode Island, Sept. provement, water usage optimization, improved solid waste 20-22, 2022. Based at the U.S. Consulate General in Chennai, management, dredging material recycling, zero accident safe-
India, Commercial Specialist Sham Shamsudeen is leading a ty program, and occupational health management and central- delegation of Indian buyers to the event. Sham is part of ITA’s ized monitoring.
U.S. Commercial Service’s global network of of? ces located in 100+ cities across the United States and in U.S. embassies Do U.S. marine tech ? rms have any competi- and consulates in more than 75 markets. He will be joined at tive advantages when entering India’s market? the export forum by U.S. businesses, foreign buyer delega- Yes. U.S. manufacturers and suppliers which pioneer innova- tions, and U.S. Commercial Service marine industry experts tive, green, and future ready technology products will have from 20 countries. In the below Q&A, Sham shares some in- a leading edge in the Indian maritime sector. Presently, U.S. sights on India marine technology opportunities, doing busi- maritime companies do sell these products and services in In- ness in the market, and agency export resources to help. dia. These include equipment and solutions for port infrastruc- ture development, feasibility studies, ocean technology, ship
Could you describe the delegation you are building, navigation and communication equipment, gears/ equipment for commercial and sport ? shing, and logistics and bringing to the DGM Blue Economy export supply chain solutions. forum?
The Indian delegation is likely to include distributors, buy- The Indian customer appreciates quality after-sales support ers and port operators seeking to explore U.S. products and and associates it with good value. To ensure ef? cient distri- services to support the development of port infrastructure, bution of products and timely after-sales service, it is usu- ocean technology, shipbuilding, ship repair, recycling, inland ally more ef? cient to establish regional service centers with waterways infrastructure, enhanced logistic ef? ciency, marine trained technicians and suf? cient inventory than to partner tourism, education, research and training. with third-party service companies or ship items back to the
United States for servicing or product repairs. These consider-
What is attractive about the Indian market for ations are very important, especially when seeking long-term success in the value conscious and growing Indian market.
U.S. suppliers of marine technologies?
India’s maritime sector envisions an overall investment of $45 billion across ports, shipping, and inland waterways catego- Are there good opportunities for U.S. small and ries by 2030. India needs the state-of-the-art port and ocean medium-sized or new to market businesses?
technologies such as automation, data analytics, equipment Selling in the Indian market can be complicated and dif? - and services for security, logistics, vessel tracking, oil spill cult for new entrants. U.S. companies, especially those new detection, contingency preparedness, dredging, underwater to market, often need to persuade Indian consumers to make exploration and mapping. U.S. manufacturers and suppliers purchases based on lifecycle costs. New to market businesses pioneering innovative, green, and future ready technology must navigate issues such as sales channels, distribution and products will have a leading edge in the Indian maritime sec- marketing practices, pricing and labeling, and protection of tor. intellectual property. These issues are most effectively ad- dressed through an Indian partner or agent, and relationships with potential agents are extremely important. It is strongly
Could you elaborate on marine “green” tech- recommended that U.S. companies do due diligence to en- nology opportunities?
The internationally benchmarked Health, Safety and Environ- sure that potential partners are credible and reliable. The U.S. 22 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • June 2022
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