Page 42: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 2023)
Cruise Shipping
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In the Shipyard ate?t De?i?erie?? ontract? and De?ign?
Basic Design phase.
NH3 FPSO Concept
The NH3 FPSO concept is being developed by Netherland- based SwitchH2 BV and Norway-based BW Offshore and will be built through conversion of an existing Very Large Crude
Carrier (VLCC) or a dedicated newbuild vessel. Receiving pow- er primarily from a wind farm, the unit will produce hydrogen by electrolysis of seawater and nitrogen through the use of an air separation unit, combining these in an ammonia synthesis unit.
The ammonia gas produced by the unit will be condensed, and the liquid ammonia will be stored in the hull in order to be subsequently of? oaded to an ammonia carrier. The NH3
Image courtesy DNV/SwitchH2 BV
FPSO will be permanently moored but can be relocated as
An industrial scale concept for a ? oating production unit to necessary through planned disconnect. The of? oading will be produce green ammonia has secured Approval in Principle done through a ? oating hose, reeled from the aft ship to the (AiP) from DNV, and the project is now ready to start the shuttle ammonia carrier midship manifold.
Future-Fuel-Ready Courage Majestic Fast Ferry Adds
Enters Service on the Rhine Vessel Trio
Copyright: Covestro Deutschland AG, Michael Rennertz
Image courtesy Incat Crowther
Following a successful initial loading operation and maid- en voyage on the river Rhine, Covestro and HGK Shipping
Singapore’s Majestic Fast Ferry Pte welcomed the ar-
GmbH put into service the new low-water vessel Courage at rival of three new Incat Crowther-designed passenger fer- the beginning of March. Designed future-fuel-ready, it is de- ries: Majestic Peace, Majestic Spirit and Majestic Flair are signed to supply the material manufacturer’s customers with the ? rst of a ? eet of nine Generation 2 Incat Crowther 39s ? nished products from the company’s business sites in North vessels to be added to Majestic’s ? eet.
Rhine-Westphalia. Sister vessel Curiosity was scheduled to be
Built in Indonesian shipyard PT Cahaya Samudra Ship- delivered a few weeks later. The two low-water vessels sport yard and classed by BV, the 39m ferries are capable of a diesel-electric drive system, which enables the operator to transporting 312 passengers at speeds of up to 32 knots. reduce the CO2 emissions by up to 30 percent when compared
The main deck seats all 312 passengers in air-conditioned to vessels that are currently in service. Both vessels can be comfort. Powered by a pair of MTU 16V2000 M72s driv- modi? ed to handle new types of fuels such as hydrogen as ing FP propellers and generating 1930hp each @ 2250 soon as these fuels are ready for general market use. The ships rpm, the 128 x 32.8 ft. ferries have a service speed of 28 can even be used if the water level in Cologne is just 40 centime- knots and a top speed of 32 knots.
ters deep and therefore operate even if water levels are extreme-
In total, nine more Incat Crowther vessels are in build ly low. The vessels are therefore very important, particularly for at PT Cahaya Samudra, including the three new 42m ves- the factories in Leverkusen, Dormagen and Krefeld-Uerdingen. sels. Majestic Glory and Majestic Honor, the fourth and
About 30 percent of the materials produced are shipped from ? fth 39m Generation 2 ferries, will be completed and de- these facilities to customers along the river Rhine.
livered shortly.
42 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • April 2023
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