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Training Tips for Ships
Tip #50
ChatGPT &
Maritime Training:
Steps to Harness the Power
Copyright Urupong/AdobeStock y now we have all heard about ChatGPT, an ex- ance, and the speci? c output desired. For example, you might ample of a “Large Language Model” technology ask ChatGPT the following: “New maritime trainees often which is remarkable in its ability to generate hu- have trouble learning collision regulations due to their com-
Bman-like responses to questions we ask of it. But plexity. Create 10 clear, scenario-based, short-answer quiz is ChatGPT primarily a novelty, or can it provide real value in questions on collision avoidance at sea which will help them terms of its ability to create content? In my personal experi- understand the nuance of different situations’’. Or “Write a ence with ChatGPT, the answer is far closer to the latter than training module of 500 words maximum for beginners on the the former - but with some caveats. In this edition of Training basic safety precautions which need to be taken to safely enter
Tips for Ships, we’ll explore the steps required to harness the and work in a con? ned space. Be sure to emphasize the risks power of ChatGPT to generate engaging and effective mari- present and how the likelihood and consequences of each of time training materials. It is easy to try this for yourself by those risks can be reduced.” The more speci? c your question following some basic guidelines which I present here. is and the better the guidance you provide, the better the out-
As a ? rst step, it is important to understand that the qual- come will be.
ity and relevance of the output from ChatGPT is enormously What is interesting and not immediately obvious to new us- in? uenced by the clarity and speci? city of the questions you ers is that ChatGPT considers your requests as part of a con- pose. So as a prerequisite to content creation, it’s essential to versation. So, this gives you the ability, for example, to follow have a clear idea of the speci? c skills or knowledge you want up it’s answers with further guidance to get closer and closer your trainees to acquire from this content, and to outline the to the output you are hoping to achieve. For example, after it key topics that your training materials should cover. Having a provides a response, you might say “can you try that again, clear goal in mind will help you provide more focused input but this time elaborate further on the preparatory steps before to ChatGPT, resulting in better-quality output. ? rst entering the con? ned space.” This iterative process will
With your clearly considered goal in mind, the next step is help you guide ChatGPT to produce the results you need.
to sign up for an account with OpenAI at https://chat.openai. Now comes the part that you, as a knowledgeable expert, com/. Once your account is set up, you are presented with a are required for. ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but it’s crucial to simple box into which you can type or paste your request. remember that it will rarely generate perfect content. After re-
Now it is time to try it out. ceiving the AI-generated text, carefully review it for accuracy,
Using the requirements you formulated above, create a re- relevance, and clarity. You may ? nd inaccuracies, omissions quest which describes the needed content, any required guid- or con? icting information that you are able to correct, but it 10 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • August 2023
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