Page 21: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 2023)
Shipyard Annual
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The objective of the Technology Identi? cation phase is to • Demonstrates compliance with international/recognized review and identify the smart technology and determine its standards and/or ABS Rules features. Once these have been identi? ed, a screening process • Increased market visibility is performed to determine if the technology is new or existing. • Vendors can avoid repeated evaluation of identical designs
Technologies categorized as “new” are to undergo Technol- • Searchable in the ABS Type Approval Database ogy Quali? cation. Those categorized as “existing” can pro- Ultimately, by completing the certi? cation framework, ship- ceed directly to validation and issuance of a Product Design yards can demonstrate to customers and regulators that their
Assessment (PDA) certi? cate. smart technology possesses a level of feasibility and maturity.
The objective of the Technology Veri? cation and Validation Doing so also signals to these parties that potential hazards
Phase is to verify the smart technology and validate its imple- associated with its implementation have been systematically mentation into the shipyard’s processes. This phase is aligned reviewed in accordance with the ABS guide. While this is im- with the ABS Type Approval Program. The “Con? rmation of portant for technology adoption in any industry or sector, it is
Type Approval” represents that the technology, including its especially so in shipbuilding, where even minor disruptions software, related hardware, and quality assurance and control to normal shipyard activities can have a signi? cant impact on system have been reviewed for compliance with one or more development costs, delivery timelines, and overall safety.
ABS Rules or Guides, statutory, industrial or manufacturer’s standards, or other criteria acceptable to ABS.
The Author
What are the Bene? ts of Type Approval?
Gareth Burton is Vice President, Technology, ABS,
Receiving Type Approval for a shipyard technology is ad- joining ABS in 2001. In his current role, he is respon- vantageous for several reasons: sible for the development and execution of the ABS research program.
• Industry acceptance of the digital technology in shipyards or ABS-classed units www.marinelink.com 21
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