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Marine Design Edition
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Autonomous Shipping
ClassNK & Social Implementation of MASS hile the regulatory framework covering MASS been responsible for risk assessment in several projects under remains a work in progress, it is clear that au- the Nippon Foundation’s MEGURI2040 Fully Autonomous tonomous ship technologies are already hav- Ship Program, which aims to “implement fully autonomous
Wing a transformative effect on shipping. navigation to support the ocean of the future”.
By autonomously executing certain functions that would In 2022, the Society granted approval in principle for the typically be performed by crew – especially tasks related to ‘APExS-auto’ fully autonomous ship framework. Developed navigation – MASS technologies can reduce the operational by NYK Line, MTI Co., Ltd. and JMS Inc., APExS-auto repre- burden on seafarers and minimize the risk of human error, sents an expansion of the crewed autonomous ship framework thereby enhancing the ef? ciency and safety of shipping opera- – APExS (Action Planning and Execution System) – position- tions. They also hold the potential to help solve issues raised by ing the computer as an active supporter of the crew capable of continuing shortages in key areas of the maritime workforce. executing sophisticated functions. Furthermore, ClassNK will
Given the signi? cant bene? ts that MASS are expected to contribute to its upcoming demonstration test by technology bring, foundations are being laid globally for their introduction quali? cation as well as classi? cation survey.
this decade. The mandatory MASS Code – MSC 111 – is due to ClassNK has also been active in the certi? cation of innova- be adopted in 2026 ahead of entry into force on 1 January 2028. tive technologies for smart ships. Groke Technologies’ camera
Meanwhile, Norway and several Asian countries including sensor system, for example, combines information from vari-
Japan have been leading research and development towards ous sensor inputs to support advanced situational awareness. the realization of autonomous shipping, and practical imple- Another solution, from Furuno Electric Co., Ltd, deploys vir- mentation of MASS is expected from 2025. tual technology to offer the user a 3D, bird’s-eye view of the
With just a few years remaining on the projected timeline vessel, again providing optimised situational awareness. More before the mandatory code is adopted and MASS entering the technologies have received ClassNK’s ‘Innovation Endorse-
Japanese domestic market, Japan-based classi? cation society ment’ following thorough veri? cation, including those covering
ClassNK (the Society) is fully engaged in the certi? cation, rule- shore-connection, navigation monitoring, or cyber protection, development and trialling that will enable social implementation. enabling advanced vessel management and operational support
Active since 2018, the ClassNK MASS Project Team has for safe, secure and smart management of ship operations.
Safety assessment based on V-model 22 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • September 2023
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