Page 14: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 2023)
Workboat Edition
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Back to the Drawing Board ©alexlmx/AdobeStock every day or even martyr themselves, but when they encoun- ecuted, and, without hesitation he chooses face up. He is in the ter a debate about sustainability, they need to be able to stand block looking up and says: “Oh, I see what the problem is.” up and say: “I am an engineer, I include sustainability in my Unfortunately, the joke is true. Engineers think tactically personal professional code and it is always a main variable in and rarely strategically. my designs. Let me explain why this needs to be done, and Even at the most exalted levels this is true. I came across allow me to refer you to the ? rst and second commandments some 2021 comments on climate change by John Anderson, of sustainability: Love your neighbor like yourself and it is no less than the President of the National Academy of En- the CO2 Stupid!” gineers. (Search: National Academies, Engineering Response
The question is: “How do we train and motivate young en- to Climate Change) He says engineering changes have to be gineers to be able to occupy that place in the room?” made and goes to suggest that highways have to become more
I have followed the discussion on climate change solutions rugged, we should ? t solar panels and windmills on buildings in the engineering community for many years and engaged and provides other tactical responses to the problem. Not once in quite a number of efforts to tighten up the focus on true does he say: “It is the CO2. We need to stop adding CO2 to the climate change solutions, but frankly I am not encouraged. atmosphere and it is our prime job to force those technologies
There is this old engineering joke. During the French down the public’s throat to save our planet.”
Revolution a doctor, a lawyer, and an engineer are going He also does not say: “We need to question the ethics of to be executed by the guillotine. The doctor is ? rst and they any engineer who does not take sustainability into account in ask him if he wants to be executed face up or face down. The their designs.” doctor chooses face down. The lanyard is pulled, the blade This John may be a Paul in conviction, but he sure ain’t whizzes down and stops within an inch of his neck. Since the writing a newest testament. sentence has been executed, he is free to walk away. They ask the lawyer how he wants to be executed. Without hesitation
For each column I write, MREN has agreed to make a small donation he adheres to precedent, and also chooses to be executed face to an organization of my choice. For this column I nominate ESW,
Engineers for a Sustainable World No further down. The lanyard is pulled, the same thing happens, and he explanation needed. is free to walk. They ask the engineer how he wants to be ex- 14 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • November 2023
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