Page 22: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 2023)
Workboat Edition
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Decarbonization Requires
Move from Talk to Action
More vessels need to be connected to digital systems to realize zero-emissions shipping and data sharing is essential.
he Inmarsat Connected
Future Conference at this year’s London In-
T ternational Shipping
Week examined how the industry can move from talk to practical solutions that can ensure satellite technology plays a decisive role in shaping smarter and more sus- tainable shipping.
Inmarsat Maritime presi- dent Ben Palmer provided the scene-setting keynote address for the ? rst panel discussion on collaboration, technology, data sharing and balancing the im- peratives of growth with reduced ship emissions.
He reiterated his message that “connectivity is the oxygen-sus- taining opportunities for ship- types of noon report as having to be written by one ship man- ping to create value and cut its CO2 emissions.” agement company.
And guest speaker Helen Sharman CMG OBE, who became Leaders in ship supply and management are needed to bring the UK’s ? rst astronaut in 1991, wrapped up the afternoon greater compatibility, Schellenberger said. “If we all put our with an inspiring speech about the importance of collaborative heads together, we can make our lives so much easier. In this team efforts in space missions. new world reliable information and access to it is the back-
The panel, which was moderated by Giampiero Soncini, bone of future changes.”
Managing Director, Oceanly, included Peter Schellenberger, Empowerment of vessel control centers is also necessary
Founder of Novamaxis, James Pomeroy, Global Economist, to achieve ef? ciency gains, he added, and “will drive mean-
HSBC; and Marco Cristoforo Camporeale, Senior Director, ingful change.”
Strategy at Inmarsat Maritime as speakers. Maritime software veteran Giampiero Soncini, who now
Peter Schellenberger of Novamaxis stressed that it was now heads Oceanly, said: “Everyone wants control centers, but few “high time for action” to advance shipping’s smart and sus- have a clear understanding on how to effectively use them.” tainable agenda, picking low hanging fruits by adopting prov- Inmarsat’s Marco Camporeale said just 40,000 out of en solutions from other sectors, such as the aviation industry. 170,000 ships registered by the IMO have data transmission
Breaking down silos that prevent necessary information speeds capable of taking advantage of onboard digital systems sharing was being helped by the need to respond to environ- for voyage optimization.
mental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria, he said. “So, four out of ? ve ships do not have the level of con-
However, he cautioned that more standardization of mari- nectivity required to power arti? cial intelligence and machine time protocols was a vital ? rst step, citing 14 non-compatible learning. We are still far from realizing that vision of a con- 22 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • November 2023
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