Page 2nd Cover: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 2024)

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Meet us in Hall A3

Stand A3.301 with future-proof


We’re enabling long-term sustainability

Balancing decarbonization, availability, and economics is a challenge for energy-intensive sectors like power generation, shipping, and

SURFHVVLQGXVWULHV5HWURÀWVDUHRQHRIWKH most effective ways to achieve net-zero targets.

Our experts convert your conventional fuel engines into dual fuel systems that can also run on green e-fuels. By upgrading existing engines and turbomachinery, we balance ecology and economy, and give your business a long, clean future.

COV2, C3 &C4 MR August 2024.indd 1 7/31/2024 2:10:41 PM

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.