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Authors & Contributors
M A R I N E L I N K . C O M
No. 8 Vol. 86
Combs Guillory
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News (ISSN # 0025-3448) is published monthly except for March, July, and October by
Maritime Activity Reports, Inc., 118 East 25th St., New York, NY 10010-1062.
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MILITARY FACILITIES send address correc- tions to Maritime Reporter, 850 Montauk
Hwy., #867, Bayport, NY 11705.
Laursen Lewis
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Copyright © 2024 Maritime Activity
Reports, Inc.
In U.S.:
One full year (9 printed issues) $90.00;
Nikkanen van Hemmen
Two years (18 printed issues) $150.00
Rest of the World:
Combs experience as a journalist. She Macesker
One full year (9 printed issues) $140.00; two years $180.00 (18 printed issues)
Heather Combs is the newly has a Master of Science research Bert Macesker is the RDC’s including postage and handling. appointed CEO of Ripple Opera- degree in marine ecology as well Executive Director and is re- tions and AdonisHR. as diplomas in journalism, com- sponsible for all facets of center munication and subediting. operation. He has served at the
DiRenzo RDC for 30 years including stints
Dr. Joe DiRenzo is the Partner- Lewis as a Project Manager and Branch
Email: [email protected] ship Director at the USCG Re- Philip Lewis is Director Research Chief. He is a graduate of Florida
Web: www.marinelink.com search and Development Center. at Intelatus Global Partners. He Atlantic University and University t: (212) 477-6700 f: (212) 254-6271
A career cutterman, he has also has market analysis and strate- of Connecticut. led the RDC’s Science and Tech- gic planning experience in the nology Innovation Center (STIC). energy and maritime sectors. Nikkanen
Dr. DiRenzo is a graduate of the Mikko Nikkanen leads strategy
United States Naval Academy, Marshall and development for Vaisala’s
Naval War College, and Marine Steve Marshall is a business Maritime and Ports segment.
Corps University. writer with long experience in maritime and offshore media, van Hemmen
Guillory having worked for leading indus- Rik van Hemmen is the President
Darren Guillory is the Technical try publications TradeWinds and of Martin & Ottaway, a marine
Solutions Specialist at SSI USA. Upstream, and now with media consulting ? rm that specializes in consultancy Blue-C. the resolution of technical, opera-
Business Publications Audit
Laursen tional and ? nancial issues.
of Circulation, Inc.
Wendy Laursen has 20 years of 4 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • August 2024
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