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Watch the interview on the Maritime
Matters: The
Marinelink Podcast by scanning the QR code: constructed to the highest environmental standards. Hence, This is a transcendent time in maritime, with fuel transition, by execution, EDR Antwerp Shipyard is becoming one of the digitalization and automation driving change to the way in leading ESG performing shipyards for shiprepair and conver- which ships are built and out? tted. How is the shipyard in- sion in the Heart of Europe. However, these facilities aside, vesting in technology or people to meet the challenges ahead?
the secret sauce of our success is surely the teams working Now that the shipyard renovations are as good as complet- for EDR Antwerp Shipyard – our FTE and dedicated subcon- ed, we can apply for GTT approval. We are already working tractors are like family who will go the extra mile to exceed on gas vessels (excluding cargo tank operations), but we want expectations of our clients. We have a strong stakeholder to offer a one-stop-shop for LNG fueled vessels or LNG carri- management in order to increase engagement throughout. We ers. Our teams on all levels are obliged to follow LNG training differentiate on the market by communication and transpar- courses. Still the war for talent acquisition and retention is ency. We shouldn’t hide the fact that docking in Europe will real. We work with 21 different nationalities at our yard!
be more expensive than Turkish or Asian shipyards. This is Our focus on ESG performance is driven by the question we pure logic and the result of various social, environmental, and pose loudly. With vessels being built green (EEDI) and oper- quality factors. Hence, when owners decide to dock at EDR, ated optimally (EEXI/CII) and even scrapped green, why is no on time and in budget will be elemental. one talking about maintaining, converting, and retro? tting ves- sel at a green shipyard,? This is, for us, very striking. Apply-
Can you discuss in depth one project – either ongoing now ing marine sails, alternative fuel retro? tting, ultra smooth paint or recently completed – that you feel best demonstrates the applications, bulbous bow retro? tting .. etc. in locations where yard’s capabilities? social, safety/health and environmental governance is not as
Selecting just one is hard. But what comes to mind at ? rst important goes against all logic. Yes, new technologies will be instance is the ongoing thrive for innovation during project the basis for a more green shipping environment. To which tran- execution. Last month we executed with PPG the electrostatic sition this will bring us is also unknow to EDR and we therefore painting of a vessel, resulting is signi? cant overspray reduc- discuss various innovations with specialists and makers. That is tion and up to 40% savings on paint volume. Talk about a why it’s also very important visit and represent EDR during vari- quick ESG win-win situation! ous maritime exhibitions in the world.
64 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • August 2024
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