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Matters: The



Image courtesy Maritime Matters: The Marinelink Podcast the beginning to serve as ambassadors and build momentum Those players best able to adapt and offer effective solutions throughout the organization." over the digital lifecycle of their vessels will outperform the others. The biggest obstacle is to get everyone involved. The

Navigating the Digital Seas – Unlocking the Power of technology is available. Implementing a Digital Twin is not

Digital Twins such a big task if the company is already doing 3D modeling.

Amid the waves of change, Digital Twins have emerged as Digital lifecycle thinking bridges the communications gap beacons of hope, guiding the maritime industry toward a new between the different stakeholders in the shipbuilding cycle – era of ef? ciency and compliance. These virtual replicas offer between the designer, yard and owner – by using a 3D model a glimpse into a vessel’s entire lifecycle, from design to de- with colors and interactions. It also helps departments com- commissioning, providing real-time insight accessible to all, municate better internally. according to Juan Nunes Prieto, Cadmatic Regional Man- Using Digital Twins is an opportunity to enhance collabora- ager Americas. "Today, the digital life of a vessel is born be- tion among all stakeholders – and helps create new designs fore its physical life – and buried after recycling has occurred. and solve engineering problems as a result."

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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.