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The Final Word: A Ship's Lifecycle ware to pull everything together – it's velop the LCA model and the emission learned about LCA methodology and not a job you can do in Excel. types you want to consider in the scope. tools during her postdoc research. "It's

She adds that if this analysis is done We then we run the model and extract already common in land industries and during the ship design stage, the data the results in a standardized format." I'm happy to be developing LCA for real regarding the ship's fuel and energy uti- marine cases. Developing a pro? table lization during its operational stage is Need for a Global Standard service together with my colleagues is generated by Deltamarin's ship system- As yet, there is no global standard for exciting because it's completely new. level energy simulations using its in- ship LCAs to ensure unbiased results. It's intense but very rewarding, knowing house DeltaKey tool. Otherwise, mea- There are no existing shipping-speci? c that even in a small way we are helping surements can obviously be taken from databases, which is why Deltamarin has to make the industry more sustainable," the existing ship. started to build its own. "Our results are she concluded.

The task is then to match a ship LCA pretty objective, but for credibility in fu- *Environmental Performance of Bulk with LCA models in the software, cal- ture all LCAs will have to be validated

Carriers Equipped with Synergies of En- culating all the information for steel by a third party. Implementing a global ergy-Saving Technologies and Alternative and other materials, fuels (well-to-tank a standard with guidelines and instruc-

Fuels (Tuan Dong, Shqipe Buzuku, Mia Elg, results require data on re? ning, manu- tions from class and/or the IMO would

Alessandro Schönborn and Aykut I. Ölcer; facturing and transport) and electricity be very helpful," Buzuku says.

J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2024, 12(3), 425; https:// usage. All stages are covered. "The soft- Buzuku's background is in industrial (free full text)) ware provides a standardized way to de- and environmental engineering and she

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Maritime Reporter

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