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Page 11: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (February 2025)
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Both English and Spanish versions of the presentat on materials will be made available to the public on FAA’s project website on March 4, 2025. If any accommodat on for the public meet ng is needed (such as addit onal translat on services), please submit a request by February 21, 2025 to [email protected].
The Proposed Act on includes Falcon 9 launches and landing operat ons at Cape Canaveral Space Force
Stat on. These operat ons could temporarily impact transit routes in the area depicted in the ? gure below.
Not ces to Mariners (NOTMARS) would be issued that clearly de? ne the temporary restricted areas and their durat ons, usually between one and ten minutes for launch and landing operat ons. Restricted areas would be limited to potent al landing areas and launch safety zones. Entering closed areas is not prohibited but is strongly discouraged for vessel safety and to prevent potent al delays or mission cancelat ons.
Submit ng Writ en Comments
The FAA invites interested agencies, organizat ons, Nat ve American Tribes, and members of the public to submit comments on the Proposed Act on and analysis in the Draf EA. The public comment period for the
Draf EA will close on March 11, 2025. Comments, statements, or quest ons concerning scoping issues must be ident ? ed with the Docket Number FAA-2025-0114 and may be provided to the FAA as follows: • Federal E-Rulemaking Portal: ht p://www.regulat ons.gov. Retrieve the docket by conduct ng a search for “FAA-2025-0114” and follow the online instruct ons for submit ng comments. • By U.S. mail to Eva Long, FAA Environmental Protect on Specialist, c/o ICF, 1902 Reston Metro Plaza Reston, VA 20190.
We encourage you to submit comments electronically through the Federal E-Rulemaking Portal. If you submit your comments electronically, it is not necessary to also submit a hard copy. All comments received will be posted without change to ht p://www.regulat ons.gov. Before including your address, phone number, email address, or other personal ident fying informat on in your comment, be advised that your ent re comment – including any personal ident fying informat on you provide – may be publicly available at any t me. While you can request in your comment to withhold your personal ident fying informat on from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
The United States Space Force (USSF) is a Cooperat ng Agency for this Draf EA. In order to meet USSF’s Nat onal
Environmental Policy Act requirements for adopt ng the FAA’s Environmental Assessment as a Cooperat ng
Agency, (see 32 CFR § 989.15(e)), the FAA has also posted the Draf Finding of No Signi? cant Impact (Draf
USSF FONSI) on behalf of the USSF for public comment. The public comment period for the Draf USSF FONSI will close on March 11, 2025.
More informat on on the Draf EA, Draf FONSI, and virtual public meet ngs can be found at ht ps://www.faa.gov/space/stakeholder_engagement/SpaceX_Falcon_SLC_40_EA.
Subscribe to our mailing list to receive updates on this project: [email protected]. Please ut lize one of the methods described above to submit public comments. Comments sent to the project email will not be considered a formal public comment.
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