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All images courtesy Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (SBIC) velopment of the industries, humans have gradually mastered nage and increasing demand for green technology conversion the nature, mastered the sea; activities and services to exploit ships and clean fuel use.

the potential of the sea are constantly emerging and developing.

The construction and development of the maritime economy Managing the Supply Chain has become the top priority and strategy of every country with Vietnam's shipbuilding industry is still heavily dependent a sea. The world shipbuilding market is ready to take advantage on imported materials. There is a large room for domestic and of various opportunities arising from global economic trends, foreign material suppliers to grow and participate in the sup- geography, politics and policies of major countries. The in- ply chain, thereby promoting the sustainable development of creasing demand for maritime transport and the expansion of this industry.

offshore energy projects create demand for many different types To create a playground, exchange and introduce capacity, of ships, including container ships, bulk carriers, oil tankers and products and technology, Shipbuilding Industry Corporation specialized offshore support vessels. Emerging markets in Asia, (SBIC) in collaboration with Vietnam Shipbuilding Engineer- including Vietnam, especially China and South Korea, continue ing JSC (VISEC) will organize the 10th International Exhibi- to dominate the shipbuilding industry with signi? cant invest- tion on Shipbuilding and Offshore Technology - Vietship 2025 ments of hundreds of billions of dollars to boost shipbuilding from 5th to 7th March 2025. Vietship is the largest and longest capacity and update and apply technological advances.” established maritime exhibition in Vietnam. Vietship was ? rst

Currently, the demand for marine transport is increasing due held in 2002 and has gone through 9 successful editions, with to changes in shipping routes, requiring larger ships that can a large scale and a abundant program of activities, with the par- cope with harsher environments. The Vietnamese shipbuilding ticipation of many notable domestic enterprises, foreign corpo- industry owns a chain of shipyards stretching from the North to rations and companies from countries with the world's leading the South, with diverse production capacity and products with maritime industries like Japan, Korea, China, the Netherlands, high quality, meeting the needs of domestic and international Finland, Singapore... With 9 exhibitions over the past 22 years, markets. Vietnamese shipbuilding enterprises have been suc- Vietship has truly become an ideal opportunity for Vietnamese cessful in building new ships with large capacity, specialized and international enterprises to meet, exchange, attract invest- ships, high-speed ships, high-tech ships, af? rming the grow- ment, discuss technology and promote trade.

ing importance of the Vietnamese shipbuilding industry in the In 2025, Vietship will return with a completely new look fo- world market. With the development of global trade, Vietnam's cusing on the shipbuilding and offshore energy industry. Viet- marine transport demand is also forecast to grow strongly by ship 2025 is expected to be a place to converge and demon- about 10% per year in the period of 2023 - 2030. The total de- strate advanced technologies in the ? elds of shipbuilding, repair mand for new construction to supplement and replace the Viet- of marine equipment, construction and installation of marine namese marine transport ? eet from now to 2030 is forecasted to structures, and supply of offshore energy services, with the goal be about 4-5 million DWT. The world's maritime ? eet involved of creating innovative cooperative solutions for challenges in in cargo transport will be approximately 105,500 ships with a the development of the maritime and offshore energy industries.

capacity of 100 GT or more, with an average age of over 20 Hidden in challenges are also opportunities. This is the time years. The average growth in the global ? eet's tonnage is 4.9%/ for businesses operating in the shipbuilding industry to evalu- year in the period 2011 - 2021. ate and improve their organizational structure and strengthen

In recent years, the size of the world's shipbuilding market their brand to continue to maintain and move towards long- has grown strongly with the trend of more modern, larger ton- term, sustainable development.

42 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • February 2025

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Maritime Reporter

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