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ministries hinder an ability information. Managing to obtain key approvals or societal issues also requires licences for operations? the ability to deal effectively
In what ways might with very different and security procedures need to often challenging groups of be modifed in order to take people—tribal peoples or account of local tensions military forces, for example. and efforts to manage them? Companies therefore need
By asking questions like to hire staff on the basis of these, a company is able their abilities in non-tech- both to understand how nical, as well as technical, the development context disciplines. Furthermore is relevant to its business, they need to train and and formulate challenges promote on the ability to that need to be addressed. manage societal relation-
Simply, a company can cre- ships effectively, and see ate a “to do” list of issues this set of skills as being as which need then to be important as capabilities in addressed as part of day-to- other areas.
day management processes. Developing economies are complicated places. Politics, religion, ethnicity, ethics,
The challenge of making and history all conspire
CFP work
What stops CFP from to create an environment being general practice diffcult to understand and among companies operat- in which to operate. CFP, ing in emerging economies and the process of socio- seems to be that companies’ economic due diligence, existing structures do not are designed to distill that cope well with understand- complexity and identify the ing and managing complex key challenges. societal, ethical and politi- Companies operating, or cal issues. seeking to operate in devel-
Many companies, espe- oping economies need to cially those with a strong adopt this approach, and to technological background, prioritize the management such as oil and gas opera- of socio-economic issues, tors and contractors, rely alongside the more usual
No Matter How Much on quantitative systems and technical and fnancial con- spreadsheets to manage their siderations.
Mud, We‘ve Got it Under activities. When dealing with essentially qualitative Dr. Peter
Control issues, such as politics and Davis is a society, this approach is not member helpful. of Henley
Powerful and extremely robust:
Companies also need Business the rigMaster CF Decanter is the to consider the skills and School’s reliable solution for the flexible aptitudes of their employ- visiting processing of drilling mud ees. Oil and gas companies faculty. including barite recovery. generally hire and promote His research focuses on the people on the basis of tech- role of multinational nical competences—be that companies in confict zones, as an engineer or project and his book, Corporations,
GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH manager. Global Governance and
Werner-Habig-Straße 1, 59302 Oelde, Germany
CFP requires people able Post-Confict Reconstruc-
Phone: +49 2522 77-0, Fax: +49 2522 77-1778 to cope effectively with less tion, was recently published [email protected], www.gea.com tangible issues, and to take by Routledge. He was decisions on what will often educated at the Universities be incomplete and imperfect of Oxford and London. engineering for a better world oedigital.com
OE1013_Analysis.indd 23 9/29/13 7:15 PM