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Fig. 3 – Displacement data can approximate the stress signal
Blue curve - time [s] vs. BM stress [ksi] Red curve - time [s] vs. displ.[m] * (BM stress[ksi]/displ.[m] slope) 1. Optical modems – High bandwidth operations – reduces operational downloads through short distances cost and schedule challenges due to of water have progressed recently. unavailability of ROV support.
Although the system described Reduce processing time and costs.
¦¦ results in little need for full-time Completely independent of BOP series data, there is an advantage in mechanical systems – can be retroft- the ability to periodically download ted on any BOP.
¦¦ full data for diagnostic purposes. Install topsides or by ROV.
An optical modem and associated
ROV download device can enable
Conclusions this without introducing signifcant A real time system to measure complexity. wellhead loading is in development. 2. Processing capabilities – The This system will provide data that miniaturization of processing and more accurately refects the loads on storage advances the use of on-board the wellhead. Additionally, there is a algorithms. reduction in the amount of data and 3. Improved error rejection algo- a simplifcation of the data process- rithms – Many algorithms from ing. This allows for more rapid data digital signal processing and inertial transmission to the surface without the navigation can assist with identify- need for a cable. This system will help ing errors at an early stage. This is inform operational decisions in a more important for on-sensor process- accurate and timely manner. ing because errors are less visible.
Moving beyond the traditional Paul Forman is “person in the loop” processing Vice President for will require the use of additional Wells Engineering in algorithms. BP Exploration
Operating Co. Ltd.
He is responsible for
Synthesis, system defnition
Based on the improvements and sim- strategic direction plifcations listed above, it is possible and business to assemble a system with the follow- delivery of Wells Engineering. He leads ing features: a team of engineers in the organiza- ¦¦
Real time feedback suitable for tion’s drive for consistency, rigor and operational decision making by the standardization in how BP conducts drillers. engineering design for well construc- ¦¦
Correlation information suitable for tion across the full lifecycle of the well.
Insta building knowledge base. Forman has 24 years’ industry experi- ¦¦
Elimination of the cable – reduces ence and earned a BS in Engineering at operational challenges and cost. RGIT (now Robert Gordon University), ¦¦
Reduction of ROV change-out Aberdeen.
OE | October 2013 oedigital.com 42
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