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supplied for production. in these efforts will be the delivery of our expanded
The system will also offer new technological en- containment system, and after that; time will tell. The hancements to the capping stack including the ability to operating environment in the US GOM encourages allow operators to function valves and chokes remotely technology development to meet the evolving needs via an umbilical. Moreover, the umbilical, which is the of operators. The need to move to deeper depths and deepest ever built, will function in 10,000ft water depths greater pressures may not be too far off the horizon. and provide continuous, real-time pressure and tem- When those needs come to reality, MWCC will be there perature data to the modular capture vessels (MCVs) on to lead the industry with its containment systems and the surface. Should the response require a cap and fow continue to deliver upon its mission to be continuously
OE REVIEW scenario, the expanded system fowlines will allow the ready to respond.
MCVs to be up to 5,000ft from the wellhead to decrease vessel congestion at the site. Charles A. Miller serves as
The capping stack connects with two capture ves- chief technology offcer for sels – which are modifed Aframax tankers each with up Marine Well Containment to 700,000 bbl of liquid storage capacity – through the Company. His responsibilities riser assembly which directs the fow from the subsea include development of MWCC components of the system. The MCVs can process, store capabilities to accept and and offoad liquids to shuttle tankers, which can then operate the expanded contain- safely take the liquids to shore for further processing. ment system as well as en-
The vessels’ turret also allows for a quick disconnect hancements to the interim containment system in should the MCVs need to move away from the incident response to members’ needs. Most recently, he served site due to a storm in the Gulf. These MCVs are the frst as vice president of production for Shell Brazil of their kind and part of MWCC’s dedicated equipment Ltda., where his responsibilities included manage- offering that will be available to operators in the US ment of production activities in offshore Brasil and
GOM as part of our expanded system. onshore Argentina. A seasoned oil and gas profes-
As our members continue to look for new and deeper sional, Miller has 35 years of experience in the sources of oil, MWCC will continue to advance well upstream industry, including 20 years of offshore containment technologies – including the capping experience. Miller holds a B.S. in Mechanical stack – to keep pace with their needs. The next step Engineering from Oklahoma State University.
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November 2013 | OE REVIEW 068_OE1113_Dif_CappingSt.indd 71 10/28/13 2:18 AM