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Subsea multiphase sampling
Subsea sampling can
Time help increase PVT
Stages in afecting taken well testing production accuracy and improve (hours) (hours) subsea multiphase meter
Connecting 2 to 43 well test performance. equipment
Test lines for subsea well
Building up 2 to 41.5 testing cost as much as pressure/fow
US$60 million and come
Testing 2 to 40 with logistical and well
Deconnecting 2 to 43 well test intervention challenges. equipment
Eivind Gransaether
Building up 2 to 41.5 explains. pressure/fow
Other lost 3 3 time he deployment of
Total 9 to 17 12 permanent subsea mul-
T tiphase meters as an
The steps needed to conduct a well test, and the period of time alternative to well testing and Source: Mirmorax.
production is lost.
as a way to increase recovery has become a priority for many operators. cuts, commingled well streams
Subsea multiphase meters from subsea tie backs, changes are viewed as a more fexible, in water properties from sea- or cost-effective and accurate freshwater-fooded wells, or option, compared to large and differences in salinity between maintenance-intensive test injected and reservoir water. separators. These changes are likely to
To be effective and accu- result in signifcant variations rate, subsea multiphase in PVT properties. Effective meters, which can cost up volumetric subsea sampling and to US$400,000 to buy and the accurate tracking of PVT integrate, need to be calibrated data can have a positive effect through quality, volumet- on the meters’ performance and
Computer-aided image of the sampling system. ric sampling over the feld’s operators’ production strategies
Image: Mirmorax.
lifetime. in these cases.
Fluctuations in PVT Data
This is particularly impor- The dangers of inaccurate tant as felds age and more reservoir One of the most important sources for PVT analysis were outlined in an SPE variables come into play, leading to an evaluating fuid properties and predict- paper by Adel M. Elsharkawy of Kuwait increase in the uncertainty of metering ing reservoir performance is pressure, University (SPE 37441). It illustrated systems. The majority of multiphase volume and temperature (PVT) data, how inaccurate PVT analysis resulted meters, for example, use a gamma source which is likely to change signifcantly in an underestimation of the ultimate that must be confgured with the fuid over the lifetime of the reservoir as fuid oil recovery from a particular feld by as properties of oil, water and gas, and ide- and process conditions change. much as 40%. ally must refect changing reservoir data Changes can include increased liquid Well test separators play an impor- over time. and water in the gas fow, higher water tant role in capturing PVT data by
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