Page 27: of Offshore Engineer Magazine (Aug/Sep 2014)
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Island Performer is the ? rst product of the FMC Technologies and Edison Chouest joint venture. Image from FTO Services.
The Island Constructor, whose design was the basis for Island Performer.
achieve the same kind of production performance that surface be changed out or
Photo from Ulstein. wells have today.” repaired easily.
Diving deeper into the idea of a platform-less future, the Island
FMC Technologies is delivering its ? rst RLWI deepwater stack
Performer is also designed to be able to conduct plug and abandon- to FTO Services 4Q 2014 for deployment from Island Performer. ment operations by placing the cement to plug the reservoir.
It is designed to operate in water up to 2000m and in pressures of 10,000psi. Sten-Halvorsen calls the vessel “superior,” adding:
It is the fourth such stack that FMC Technologies has built, “Everything is done here to prepare for operations. Everyone with the ? rst generation created from will be working in a safe environments will be working in a safe environments
Similar to the FTO Services joint an adopted riser stack, Sten-Halvorsen and understands what the costs are. It is and understands what the costs are. It is venture, Fugro, of The Netherlands, and explains. very different from a vessel of oppor-very different from a vessel of oppor-
Malaysian oil? eld services company
Moving into deeper water, the typical tunity, where you have to improvise tunity, where you have to improvise deployment method, using guidelines, and put everything together for the ? rst and put everything together for the ? rst
Bumi Armada Berhad announced in is not possible. The stack has been time.” time.”
September 2013 they were forming a JV designed without the need for guide The partnership is now focused on targeting well services. Fugro will hold post orientation and downlines for its next project, a new vessel built for its next project, a new vessel built for 49% interest with Bumi Armada holding deploying the upper lubricator sec- construction and intervention opera-construction and intervention opera- the remaining 51%. The venture marks tion. The umbilical is low-pro? le with tions. The vessel will be built at Edison tions. The vessel will be built at Edison
Fugro’s ? rst foray into well services. all hydraulic power and accumulation Chouest Offshore’s Louisiana shipyard Chouest Offshore’s Louisiana shipyard performed on the subsea stack, remov- in order to be compliant with the US in order to be compliant with the US ing the need for large hydraulic umbilicals, which are dif? cult Jones Act, which states that a commercial vessel transporting to handle in deeper water and problematic in high currents. between US ports must be built and operated by US citizens.
The umbilical termination is self-engaging when it reaches the The newbuid will be designed to perform deepwater plug and stack, requiring minimal interaction by the ROV. abandonments, top hole drilling, and both riser-based and riser-
FTO Services said that the designers of this iteration were less intervention. The vessel will measure 492ft (146m) long. mindful of the ? ve-year blowout preventer recerti? cation Grif? n says this project is notable because no other offshore program, so the structure has been simpli? ed, and parts can supply vessel of this class has been built in the US before.
oedigital.com August 2014 | OE 29 028_OE0814_DWI3_FTO.indd 29 7/22/14 9:13 PM