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document suits the company’s project. expectations of the industry. barriers are in place to manage the dif-
With MPD technology being deployed ferent hazards from these operations and
Industry in new inherently risker areas, it is cru- equipment interactions.”
When these guides and standards are cial to ensure that all interactions have As a bene? t, the classi? cation applies issued later this year, some will have to been reviewed and that hazards and risks equally to all service providers, so it make changes to their MPD operations. are managed to acceptable levels. creates a level playing ? eld and once “[Most MPD service providers are] not “That’s one of the things ABS and DNV certi? ed it’s not necessary to go through used to having that amount of scrutiny on look at, to ensure that all of the interac- the process again for every customer’s
MPD systems, fail-safes, and procedures,” tions between rig and MPD equipment project. Most importantly, by having a says Earl Dietrich, global director of deep- don’t create unsafe conditions,” Bernard set of standards that must be met and water systems at Weatherford. “However, says. “In order to be class approved, adhered to it shows the public that the it is making us, our suppliers, and all you have to prove to ABS and DNV intent is to provide industry rules and competitive vendors, improve their game. that you’ve done all the hazard analysis guidance to conduct MPD operations in “Now you will be required to demon- necessary to ensure that the controls and the safe manner. strate how the systems work; how you’re going to test it; how the fail-safe systems work; what kind of redundancy there is.”
When it comes to safety and ef? ciency,
SamSon takes the consistency will play an important role. “Hopefully, some standardization will
RCD5000 Big Bore with the hydraulic clamping device standing beside a hydraulic make it easier for us to specify proper closing unit. Photo from Halliburton.
out of
HEAVY equipment and have consistent instal- lations, whether they be temporary or permanent, that are not speci? c to the rig heavylift contractor, operator, or country of opera- tion,” Dietrich says. slings “More stringent standardization of systems, installations, capacities, and characteristics will allow personnel to more readily move between various rigs and systems.”
The industry will also bene? t by hav- ing more ? t-to-purpose guidelines. “For example, in reference to our hoses, the highest standard is called 17K, but that standard is for continuous production of hydrocarbons to ? exible hoses. We don’t do that,” Dietrich explains. “We may have a gas cut mud event with hydro-
Greater Gabbard Project: The world’s largest wind farm. Seaway Heavy Lifting ® ® ® carbons that we deal with, but it’s not installs turbine monopiles with Samson’s AmSteel-Blue lifting slings.-Blue lifting slings.
continuous. However, for right now, we don’t have a ? t-for-purpose document or hose speci? cation for our installations.
“We are continually involved with
BSEE, and other groups advocating the improvement of personnel and rig safety,
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MPD, early kick detection, and pressur- ized mud-cap drilling services,” Dietrich
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Seaway Heavy Lifting/Greater Gabbard project.
ABS, DNV, and API have worked with industry members to address concerns regarding the original and the newly developed MPD requirements.
Halliburton’s Bernard says, all organi- zations must come together to discuss equipment design and operational ® intent so that together, we can provide
Dyneema is a registered trademark of Royal DSM N.V. Dyneema is DSM’s high-performance polyethylene product.Dyneema is DSM’s high-performance polyethylene product.Dyneema is DSM’s high-performance polyethylene product.
proper guidance and requirements to help industry meet the public’s safety oedigital.com February 2015 | OE 45 042_OE0215_D&C1_Jerry.indd 45 1/20/15 6:25 PM