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Automation not be insulated from global oil prices set which is where it is hovering right now. shocked, embarrassed and depressed that systems, it is possible to see what is in global markets for crude oil and petro- Along those lines, BP already cut $1 bil- we [as an industry] are missing our pro- truly going on with all aspects of the leum products. Strategic choices made lion from its capital expenditure plans. duction targets. We, as an industry miss operation. by leading oil-exporting countries could This is where automation comes into targets by a third. We are only producing It can not only provide essential busi- result in US price and quantity changes.” play. Yes, new-age technologies are 66% of what we say or tell management ness information, it can allow for total
As it turned out, oil exporting coun- seeing action on the platforms, but a we are going to produce (OE: December asset optimization to ensure smarter busi- tries made their strategic choices and the more involved program from drilling 2014).” ness decisions to create a stronger pro? t end result to date has been lower prices to producing, compliance, regulations, “We believe that high production stream.
and potentially declining pro? t margins. safety and security will allow for a more ef? ciency is no accident,” McCulloch It is no secret, the industry needs to
Just look at the UK. In the UK, thou- enhanced and productive enterprise. It said. “Part of it is capital investment. stop talking and start doing something sands of jobs in the offshore oil and gas only makes sense. Whether the price for We invest and see the results. It is also different. Automation will be a difference industry are at risk with full-year output crude increases or declines, for producers a relentless focus on things such as pro- maker. for the entire North Sea expected to to realize a highly successful operation, duction ef? ciency and asset integrity.” decline to 840,000 b/d, its lowest level they need to integrate all their technolo- It ends up being about doing more with Gregory Hale is the since 1977. Billions of dollars of invest- gies into one interconnected portfolio. less. Through better visualization and editor and founder of ment will need to come into play to pull Neil McCulloch, president North control of processes and the integration Industrial Safety and out the remaining reserves. Industry Sea, EnQuest, speaking at a produc- of various subsystems and electrical, ? re Security Source consultancy, Wood Mackenzie, said 32 tion optimization event in Aberdeen in and gas and safety and subsea control, (ISSSoure.com) and potential European oil? eld develop- November buttressed that point when he it allows operators to quickly make a is the contributing ments that could produce 4.9 billion bo said production in his neck of the woods change to solve a problem and keep automation editor at may end up on the back burner if prices is falling woefully short. everything running full steam ahead. Offshore Engineer.
consistently stay below US$60 per barrel, “We have to be simultaneously Through an interconnected set of of the platform, which can pr ovide clar- installed products and systems and life- them to work across the platforms. ity on what the producer can achieve. cycle services end up examined to dis- This can work for platforms operating
While assessing the impact on opera- cover the options available for improving as a hub, where several connected plat-
Restoring production ef? ciency tional reliability, consideration goes out production ef? ciency. forms feed production through a central
Phase 3 implements the improvement to the condition/health of existing equip- facility. Many of these aging hubs, even if projects identi? ed in phase 2. It eliminates ment, as well as operating and mainte- their own production life is on the back defects before they have an impact on nance procedures. end, could bene? t by updating automa- production. Continuous feedback ends up
Phase 2 identi? es actions that will tion and electrical equipment to retain being a priority to ensure a higher level of reduce equipment downtime. Using the the production capability and asset life of performance. Services for any products or asset life plans developed in phase 1, the entire network. systems that need installation and com- everything from the existing applica-
Asset management strategies missioning, maintenance, replacement, tions and people competency through to
Electrical, instrumentation, control and upgrade or retro? t are telecoms systems are becoming more a part of this phase. complex as technology evolves. Their
Reducing manning performance and operational avail- levels ability remain critical for production
Estimates show that consistency. every person work-
Yet over time, the condition and per- ing offshore costs an formance of this technology will degrade, operator about $1.5 which can have a negative impact on million/yr, when all production. Asset management strategies training, safety, and aim to counter this impact by system- wage costs come into atic condition monitoring of equipment, consideration. And helping to avoid unplanned produc- much of that labor tion downtime and reduce operational ends up working expenses by optimizing maintenance on maintenance to planning. keep the platform
Will Leonard is the running.
For operators with multiple facili- Head of Marketing ties or platforms, it may be possible to for ABB’s Chemical, centralize the control system such that Oil and Gas business it controls the process across several in the UK & Caspian platforms. Alternatively for single or region. Leonard has a multiple assets, providing a remote dual honors degree support center onshore that supervises in Business and Law offshore assets helps address the short- at Keele University. He has worked in the age of highly skilled experts by allowing industry for the past 10 years.
oedigital.com oedigital.com February 2015 | OEFebruary 2015 | OE 6565 064_OE0215_automation.indd 65 1/20/15 6:50 PM