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says Rammophan and
Genesan. “This adds to the robust- ness and reliability in the fow rate measurement.
Moreover, the proposed technique also resolves the measured velocity both temporally and spatially thus creating an infor- mation rich picture of the fow variations. This information in conjunc-
Ultrasound Doppler measurements under slug Ulstrasound Doppler measuring negative tion with other sensor fow conditions from testing at NEL. velocities in churn fow indicating instantaneous information can provide
Image from GE.
reverse fows. Image from GE. critical parameters that “The ability of the ultrasound Doppler at NEL and SwRI (Southwest Research can be used as inputs to technique to measure the velocity and Institute), as well as GE’s in-house fow models, thus increasing the overall strength of small scatterers in the fow experimental facility, demonstrating that accuracy of a meter.” makes it a unique measurement that pro- liquid velocity and in turn liquid fow
Modeling vides invaluable insights into multiphase rate can be estimated using the Doppler fow,” say Rammophan and Genesan. technique with high accuracy. Uncertainties around modeling was put “Analysis of the Doppler data, based on “Unlike traditional approaches which under the spotlight by Phillip Stockton, an understanding of the fow physics, use a slip correlation to derive the liquid from Accord Energy Solutions Ltd – UK. showed that the scattered signal originat- velocity from other more easily measure- He believes more can be done to calcu- ing from the small bubbles in the fow able quantities such as the mixture veloc- late uncertainties in simulation factors contain easily extractable information ity, the Doppler measurement can pro- more robustly. about the liquid velocity.” vide liquid velocity information without “The main purpose of simulation mod-
The analysis was verifed through the need for complex slip models or any els within hydrocarbon allocation sys- extensive experimental data collected other additional pieces of information,” tems is to provide information regarding
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