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Petrobras Netherlands B.V., represented by Petróleo Brasileiro S.A., will perform an international auction to sell the Petrobras P-34 Unit. The Call for Tenders (International Call for Tenders
No. 001/2015) is already available on the Petrobras website (www.petrobras.com.br - Business
Channel). The Unit will be sold by performing presential auction, scheduled to take place on 10/26/2015 at 10 a.m. (Brasília time), in Vitória, Espírito Santo State, at Vitória Building - EDIVIT.
The interested parties should contact the Bidding Committee, by 10/14/2015, on the phone number +55 27 3295-3655 (Brazil), or through [email protected]
The deadline for submitting the documentation required by the bidding documents and for the visitation of the Unit for sale is 10/14/2015.
All information about the Unit to be auctioned of, the material on board, rules and requirements for participation in the auction, documentations, the Call for Tenders, and Addenda may be obtained in the Bidding Notice on the Petrobras website.
ThIS PhoTogrAPh wAS TAkeN IN NovemBer, 2006, wheN The PlATform wAS STIll IN oPerATIoN.
Bidding Committee
International Call for Tenders No. 001/2015
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A.
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